
Wow bfa scouting map empty. Their most popular realm is the BFA realm (Sethraliss).

Wow bfa scouting map empty Did some of the starting quests there like Wickerman and Carver's Harbor. Yeah, Once you picked tiragarde on the map the first time, the quest cursor should've go away. 5 we had Scouting Map of classic/vanilla zones, Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. Ive used scripts to see if I completed something in the quest chains and they are all false. We have received multiple reports of this issue and are currently investigating it. Scouting Map: The Burning Crusade Campaign; Scouting Map: True Cost of the Northrend Campaign; Source []. Patch 7. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Anyone else having this issue where you can't see any of the starting zones on the scouting map or select them to pick where to start?. Basically it is all screwed up and I reckon it will stay that way despite the delayed Shadowlands expac. The Scouting Map (also Command Map, Eye of Odyn, and Dreadscar Battle Plans) is the map located in each class hall, More WoW info. Yeah. NPCs. With a Scouting Map you will discover flight points and reveal maps around that zone. All Flight Points Up to ShadowlandsScouting Map: A Stormstout's Guide to PandariaScouting Map: Cataclysm's ConsequencesScout WoW BFA – Where are the Alliance Portals in Boralus (Kul’Tiras) Is there a portal to Boralus in Stormwind? and you can choose which zone to get started in after completing the introduction to BFA by using the scouting map in the harbormaster’s office. Having completed Stoneheim, I wanted to choose Broken Shore next, so I went to my Scouting Map and noticed that the only available zones on the Scouting Map are Val'sharah, Highmountain, Azsuna and Suramar. Similar to Legion, the scouting map object is where you can start questing for Stormsong Valley, Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an The location of this NPC is unknown. So far this item is still available on the vendor for 80-100G (depending on your reputation), tons of consumable maps compared to that toy :-( If I pull up my map I can see the quest on my map but not on the scouting map in The Great seal. I just had to go back to Orgrimmar and pick up the actual quest for doing BFA content and then I could select where to start on the scouting map Go to wow r/wow • by Kul tiras scouting map isnt working . Drustvar and Stormsong Valley have a minimum level before the quest is available to pickup from the scouting map (think 25 and 35). Lets BFA Start. Tides of Vengeance Patch 8. Alliance: #showtooltip I decided I was going to finish the BFA questlines, and I cant get the main quests for Drustvar or Stormsong Valley. A scouting map costs 10 000 gold. Discover flight points and reveal maps around the Shadowlands. Level 110 characters will auto-accept the first quest when BfA hits the servers on August 14 Yeah, I'm against it. 5 and BFA had a BoA non-consumable mail item, but then with 9. Comments. No new Timewalking (might be due to BfA being the baseline for new players), no planned scouting maps announced, Brawlers Guild still MIA. Scouting Map is a quest item needed for The Things They Carried. My group and I are stuck in Boralus when we are supposed to inspect the scouting map because we can't click it at all. That used to let you pick the zones you wanted to I have this same issue. No one in Dazar’Alor has any quests I can see either. Scouting map is empty, Bloodhoof and They need to update the BFA Scouting Map, here’s the problem: no matter your level, the default zone you have access to is Zuldazar / Tiragarde Sound. Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Troops in the Field. New Warband Map Toy - World of Warcraft Forums Loading I’ve jumped back into WoW to try out the revamped leveling system, and I’ve been enjoying myself so far. Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. I can't click on the map for the quest A Nation Divided. I decided I'd just finally go ahead and get flying even though the xpac is almost over I figure I may as well get it with the rep buff. A level 10 Quest. Scouting map is empty, Bloodhoof and princess have no quests for me. Comment by Gloryess It would be nice to know how to use this thing. TL;DR - You no longer need to complete The Throne of Zuldazar to unlock Vol'dun at the Scouting Map; instead, it's most likely level-locked. What do I do? It is sold by NPCs. I did some BFA content to level my old Mage up, and then I abandoned that character and now I'm on my DK trying to do the Heart of Azeroth, mainly so I can transmog farm the nyalotha raid. This item can be purchased from Ransa Greyfeather for 100. News Discord Webhook Database Tools Click an icon to There is also a a blank world map for "the Great Seas" so I think they'll be moving a bunch of the islands onto it with the Dragon Isles. turned off all addons and even move them out of the folder. Added in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Must have unlocked the [Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One] to purchase this item. Not sure what i missed along the way! Go to wow r/wow • by Kul tiras scouting map isnt working . I went Tiragarde Sound and Drustvar first - now when I when back to get Stormsong Valley i cannot interact with the Scouting Map. For example, my Horde main (120) bought the map and sent it to a horde alt (110). Level 110 characters will auto-accept the first quest when BfA hits the servers on August 14 Inspect the Scouting Map in the Harbormaster's Office. I'm 120 and I'm well into BFA content. Considering this comes after not being able to even start BfA all weekend, this is frustrating. Completing the questline unlocks the Scouting Map in Boralus, allowing players to begin questing in Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar and Stormsong Valley. A level 10 Tiragarde Sound Quest. But when I go to use the scouting map, I can’t Hi, I’m a returning player who’s very recently resubbed, but I’ve been away for a very long time, essentially having skipped over legion and most of BFA. Once you have picked your first zone to quest in, you will not be able to Yesterday I started playing WOW and i wanted to do the BFA main story arc and when i had to chose a region in Kul`Tiras, i chose Tiregard Song, now when i open my map it says 7/7 But for some reason now that I am trying to initiate the zone story lines the Scouting Map in the room with Cyrus is not display So, the “Tides of War” quest has finally been fixed. Their most popular realm is the BFA realm (Sethraliss). r/wow. Bug reports in PMs will be ignored - use the Bug Report section on the forum. Quests. Comment by brainimpalement New heirloom item datamined from 7. This will apparently be a toy, usable by any character on your account. After spending a few days reading on wowhead about the So this is my first horde character so I decided to level through BFA to get the achievements and unlock allied races. Azeroth Needs You. Finally getting around to catching my alliance toons up through BFA content. It sent me to Tiragarde Sound first, I couldn’t select any other area to level in. 7 PTR 10. READ MORE. Rewards 100 Order Resources. I came back after finishing and now can’t access the two other quest chains. Wowhead WoWDB So I switched to a L40 alt and went back to Legion via Chromie Time, choosing to quest in Stoneheim. I don’t have any outstanding quests that could be a phasing issue soooo any ideas? I faction changed this character to Horde and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to start the Vol’Dun questline to unlock Vulpera. Currently, we do not have a workaround. They are introducing separate scouting maps as toys for 10. All 3 location quests were there initially. I know that the leveling zones can be done in any order, but when I got to the map I could only see the quest for the bottom right landmass. Vol'dunLevel: 30-60 Scouting Map Princess TalanjiXP: 1,650 XPRewards:1 94 A level 1-80 horde zone. 5 (2021-11-02): Name changed from Surviving Kalimdor and the use line changed from "Discover several Alliance flight points around Kalimdor. If you would like to play and experience BFA, then the realm from Firestorm (Sethraliss) could be a very good choice. 7). I can't complete this quest because my missions table map is empty. This item was the first ever canon mention of the Fourth War. But seems like scouting map is bugged. anon83378259 October 21, 2020, 12:09am 5. 2. I’ve completed the following achievements since faction changing: The Fourth War A Nation United The Pride of Kul Tiras Tides of Vengeance The Long Con A So, the “Tides of War” quest has finally been fixed. Hello there, So I’m a new (technically returning) player and I was going through Kul Tiras. 5M subscribers in the wow community. 0 Beta. But for some reason now that I am trying to initiate the zone story lines the Scouting Map in the room with Cyrus is not display Yeah, I submitted a ticket for this two or three days ago. If character have used this toy before patch, they must reuse new one for map revealing. Comment by WaterGlaive This requires Draenor Explorer Pretty easy to collect with flying, now. WoW WoW. Kul Tiran's Scouting Map is also located here. Edit: I noticed I had the intro quest for Nazmir on the map so I went and did the first part But I made a new gnome hunter, and picked to start in the BFA questline. Trying to get caught up on things. What expansion is Kul Tiran? Has Blizzard added the scouting map heirloom yet? Really would like to get the darned thing so I don’t have to worry about Flight paths on every single alt. Last 2 maps in the sequence are faction specific. Canceling quest and retaking wtf to . Hey Dear Forum Members, I have a serious Problem with a Quest called “Adventuring in the Dragon Isles” on my Hunter - In this Quest I need to choose a Dragonflight Zone on the Scouting Map for progressing the Main The empty field means this quest is available at the same time with the quest listed in the line above. "A Nation Divided" Unable to Interact with Scouting Map. Intro Music. Click here for information and the new URL. In the Junk Items category. Ive finished Tiragarde sound, done War campaigns. I already got the achievement and everything but its not letting me choose a new place now. Vossprey. Same with BfA, we knew Kul Tiras and Zandalar was there, we have so much lore about it, they just didn't show it on player maps. There are lots of new thin 7th Legion Scouting map? Support I recently completed the BFA pathfinder achievement, I went to buy the map and I assumed there was gonna be new flight points unlocked in Zandalar and Kul Tiras, but there wasn't any new flight point. So basically, even if I do all the quests in the zone, all the side ones, I’m pretty sure I’m stuck, and I’m afraid that if this is an issue that maybe my character won’t even have access to its Heart of Azeroth. This can be done in any order you’d like, and you can choose which zone to get started in after completing the introduction to BFA by using the scouting map in the harbormaster’s office. I saw a legion assault going on in highmountain, I hearthed to Dalaran to go to my scout map to get the breadcrumb quest for highmountain. I’m new to the game so I don’t really know what to expect. ; Patch changes []. Patch 9. I'm currently on a max level character trying to do the BFA storyline so I can unlock world quests. I just logged in on my lvl 102 priest in Aszuna after a long break. Always up to date. I am level 120 and trying to unlock Legion Pathfinder. There is an Hello The scouting table in the hall of guardians is empty therefore i cant complete the quest “A Conjuror’s Duty” and continue “Breaching the tomb” achievement( Champions of Legiofall ). Hi, I just came back to WoW a week ago after quitting at the start of Legion. It's a known issue. I can't click on the scouting map to start a zone in BfA. BFA Scouting Map I'm currently on a max level character trying to do the BFA storyline so I can unlock world quests. Ongoing; Seasonal; Micro-holidays; World; Factions; Garrisons. Scouting map is at the bottom floor on The Vindicaar, Just bough BFA and character boosted to 110 then quested my way to 120. I’ve seen other people have this issue years ago and none of the fixes they I Really want to get started on "Ready For War" but the scouting map in the "Harbormasters Office" has a Yellow Quest Exclamation on it but when go to use it it just shows a blank map The thing is I already unlocked my class hall and I do have the quest to choose a zone. An heirloom collection item. 5 patch, such that the scouting map is helpful for leveling alts. I’ve read up on this “issue” and some people are saying you To unlock the Scouting Map you must complete the introductory questline for Battle for Azeroth. Recruiting The Troops. | Counter Strike, World of Warcraft, Mu Online, SA:MP, Metin2, fashion, music, games, free games, arcade, flash games, discussions about school, kitchen, food, health, movies, graphics, art, literature, phones Learn all about Island Expeditions in Battle for Azeroth with our new Islands guide section! Written by Sangheilios, Nightswifty, and other members of the Wowhead team, these guides will cover everything from all the ways to farm AP in Islands to the fun rewards to collect. 1 PTR - Faction Scouting Maps Added Receive instant notifications when the latest news is published through the Wowhead Discord Webhook and join the community with Wowhead's Discord Server is this ALL Our first look at he scouting map to choose our first zone for BFA Beta. now she needs to get friendly with all three zone to get access to world quests, essences and legendary cloak but since shes 50 she cant use the scouting map to start kultiras for example There are two separate items: 7th Legion Scouting Map and Honorbound Scouting Map. m. It is not in my quest log. Also think bfa still had that vendor near the ship that sells you map for 75g for all taxi routs per character. The population is typically between 100-500. Reply reply Some possible ideas: did you start the BFA storyline? If not, go to Orgrimmar The maps are bind on account. 2. Music. 5 (2021-11-02): Name changed from Walking Kalimdor with the Earthmother and the use line changed from "Discover several Horde flight points around Kalimdor. I'm trying to unlock Void Elves, and have earned Friendly rep with Suramar, Azsuna, Highmountain, and Val'sharah in the Uniting the Isles questline. 5 (2021-11-02): Name changed from To Modernize the Provisioning of Azeroth, the use line changed from "Discover several Alliance flight points around the Eastern Kingdoms. Flynn Fairwind the and the expedition table is just a little bit down the ally on the left side by the boats. If character have used this toy If you have already selected a questing zone, you must make some progress in the selected zone before you will be able to begin a new one from the Scouting Map. For a couple of levels now my scouting map will not work. But for some reason now that I am trying to initiate the zone story lines the Scouting Map in the room with Cyrus is not displaying Stormsong Valley or Drustvar. If you bought it before the patch you can simply use it again to gain all the new flight paths and exploration! For the Cataclysm zones, you can use the new Scouting Map: Cataclysm's Consequences. The only Tho i have finished in BFA 1st storyline (i have chosen Nazmir, Story progress 8/8) and now i wonder how to get storyline of other region. Gather info with the Wowhead Client. I have done all requirements. Has Blizzard added the scouting map heirloom yet? Really would like to get the darned thing so I don’t have to worry about Flight paths on every single alt. My L101 main was level squished to L40, quitting after obtaining the artifact weapon. The most useful one is kalimdor, EK maps and i assume most people got them back when they had reasonable price. Comment by 1844144 If you have only done Broken Isles Explorer to unlock this map and then use it, you will receive Explore Broken Shore for free! Comment by TDHPG I finally got BFA Pathfinder One and bought the Honorbound Scouting Map. What expansion is Kul Tiran? Kul Tiras is one of two continents revealed in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth - Horde Scouting Map Location @ The Great Seal How to get All Scouting Map toys. ; Does not consume on use, however it is only ever needed to be used once. 5. 5 this now teaches you pretty much ALL flight paths in Kalimdor (except for Cataclysm zones) and it also explores all the maps for you. If you haven't already I'd definitely recommend to put a day aside to get them all. The problem is that I’ve hit a snag. This NPC is the objective of Adventuring in the Dragon Isles. If character have used this toy before patch, they must Honorbound Scouting Map is a map that unlocks flight points in Zandalar and Kul Tiras for every Horde character on an account. Added in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. 2 PTR 11. Any ideas? Edit: Problem solved, although I wish there would be a note of this somewhere to save the trouble - apparently, there This chapter leads up the story from the siege of Lordaeron to integrating Kul Tirans into the Alliance. I already have my artifact weapon. There It is sold by NPCs. It is sold by Estelle Gendry. 0. 1. After a Faction Change, the Garrison may not be explored on the map. In the Items category. 5 we getting Scouting Maps for each expansion zone. Well they were stupid enough with the XP pots from BFA. Making Contact. Be sure to check our Bug Report forums for any new issues. If it is, it's just somewhere in the level 20-30 range, probably 25 or 30. I have opened a ticket for 2 days now and i find it quite frustrating because all i wanna do right now at the game is complete the mage quest and i cant. They didn’t realize they could be exploited and there was a big ban (or suspension) hammer for a ton of people. I’ve seen other people have this issue years ago and none of the fixes they had work for me. In 9. A level 10 The Waking Shores Quest. you can use the new Scouting Map: Cataclysm's Review the Scouting Map to choose an area within the Dragon Isles to support. The Broken Shore wasn't available. Wowhead (search for "Scouting Map" objects) Thottbot; WoWDB; Categories Categories: Pages with script errors; Class Halls; Quest givers; Dreamgrove objects; As of patch 9. Wowpedia. Scouting Reports. A Ring Reforged. I can see in my quest log that says 0/3 for BFA and under it says , Continue the campaign by accepting the quest “Zuldazar” in Dazar’alor , but I cant ! This is a update but cant reply to my comment so just added it here. Not sure what i missed along the way! Was fixed a while ago All PMs must be written in English. Live PTR 10. Added in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Source []. The server (Firestorm) has a reputation of having a lot of realms running. I present you First story Line Quest Chain Introduction to Kul Tiras For BFA :) See Video if need it for this quest - Video A Nation Divided. Rise, Champions; For those having all 10 heirloom maps, here are some short macros to learn all in case the toy box bugs out. Not sure what i missed along the way! I have run into nothing but bugs and vague descriptions on everything. I went upstairs and turned it in (to Queen Talanji, spoilers lol) She still wasn't If you go to the room where the scouting map is, and come straight out the door by the ship that your mission table is on, instead of turning towards the ship head straight down the allyway. Comment by TDHPG For those having all 10 heirloom maps, here are some short macros to learn all in case the toy box bugs A complete searchable and filterable list of all Battle for Azeroth Zones in World of Warcraft: The War Within. Shop: They offer Vanity Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters. Storyline; Watchers in the Wild. net Email Register Fullscreen Notifications Feedback English. I believe I finished the main campaign on my Vulpera for the Zandalari empire. In the NPCs category. Also the ship used to go to Zandalar has no one at the ship scouting map to give quests to progress that part of BFA. all expansions are getting a Scouting Map. This pertains to my main character, level 70 paladin, Sokrate on Area 52. Faction changed from Horde to Alliance, and trying to get all the BFA alliance side quests and achievements done. I have been trying to contact a game master but every time I try to create a ticket it doesn’t register. Then we get to take our first ferry ride along the sound. After that, I was supposed to choose the next zone I guess since the scouting map is telling me to do so. Overview of important rewards from missions in BFA as well as how to unlock all of the Alliance and Horde followers. Events. :x I was looking for answers on internet but somehow couldn’t find any What to do if you can't interact with the Scouting Map at Wingrest Embassy. Comment by 1844144 If you have only done Broken Isles Explorer to unlock this map and then use it, you will receive Explore Broken Shore for free! Comment by TDHPG Scouting Map toy items Item Faction Area [Scouting Map: Surviving Kalimdor] Kalimdor [Scouting Map: Walking Kalimdor with the Earthmother] Kalimdor [Scouting Map: Modern Provisioning of the Eastern Kingdoms] Eastern Kingdoms [Scouting Map: The Eastern Kingdoms Campaign] Eastern Kingdoms [Scouting Map: The Many Curiosities of Outland] Outland [Scouting Map: True Cost The Scouting Map is located in the Delver's Headquarters in Dornogal. 5 was 49 weeks+1 day into the expansion I boosted my mage and skipped everything and went right into BFA (no quest popped for class compaign at that time) and after unlocking dark iron dwarves I decided to unlock the rest of the allied races on alliance, at the same time I wanted to get the class mount and unlock flying aka legion pathfinder. In the Item Effects category. The BFA realm is running on 3X XP Rate, and is a PvE Server. Buildings; Followers; Missions; Troops (Legion or later) Ships; Pet Battle System. I have I have completed the entire war campaign on it, but I have just never done the main story quests for BFA. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Yeah, I've got a 7th Legion Scouting Map and even when it first came out, it was annoying it wasn't a "toy" like the originals, you literally had to mail that thing around to your alts. 1 / 1. The flight whistle exists to support "Random Access Questing" as you get in World Quests. When I got to the scouting map there is nothing there. I can't go to Nazjatar if I don't do this. Ive done the Come Sail Away stuff, and Friendly+ with both of the others. 3. Any ideas? Edit: Problem solved, although I wish there would be a note of this somewhere to save the trouble - apparently, there WoW Freakz link: Character name: Lopinjala Bug description: After completing all possible quests in zul dazar i cant go on im level 40 and as seen in the screenshots the Souting map is empty on the other screenshots you can see that i dont have any quests anywhere i hope that this problem gets fixed soon i dont have the strengh to grind 10 level through flowers and The Scouting Map (also known as Command Map, Eye of Odyn, and Dreadscar Battle Plans) is located in order halls, Deliverance Point's Command Center, and aboard the Vindicaar on Argus. Trying to level a character through BfA content. Blizzard has been behind on other things as well, if we take into consideration what they have done in past expansions. (I'm in Boralus and in Australia if that helps). sc/w77g3b. World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth - Alliance Scouting Map Location @ Boralus The Scouting Map: The Dangers of Draenor an heirloom item which unlocks flight paths and reveals all maps in Draenor (with respective exploration achievements), and must be used on every character. Scouting map is at the bottom floor on The Vindicaar, left as you go down the stair Just bough BFA and character boosted to 110 then quested my way to 120. Essentially, to do this you must complete the main story quests within each of the three zones in Kul Tiras. To start, I wanted to do the Vol'dun quests. Proof: https://prnt. This item is sold by Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge for 10,000. I personally don’t mind given the content we have been getting in DF. EDIT With the addition of Warbands sharing flightpaths and allegedly maps, this is no longer an item that would be worth the effort by Blizzard to implement. It isnt displaying quest to me and ive tried everything i can think of i logged out, ive killed myself, You have to be at least level 25 for the BfA scouting map to offer the next quest. Was fixed a while ago All PMs must be written in English. been like this for 5+ hours with no help from blizzard. A Ring Unbroken ; The I finished what I believe is the final main quest in Tiragarde Sound, and the Scouting Map has an exclamation mark above it, but when I click on the map it’s empty/there’s nothing for me to click. Hi, I have a question that I can’t find an answer on internet, because of the nuke of wow’s forums I would like to know if it’s possible to change the choice of the starting zone in bfa, I picked stormsong valley, but I would like to go to Drustvar. 2 (2024-08-13): Added. I’ve caught up on some Legion content, and used the scouting map The non-EK/Kalimdor scouting maps came with patch 9. Unable to interact with the scouting map for "A Nation Divided" in order to choose starting BFA Scouting Map Freakz Forum Index-> Trash Bin-> WOW-> Other: Show only staff posts. Notes []. I just completed the story achievement thing for Zuldazar and thought I'd continue to Nazmir, but it doesn't show up as an option on the scouting map. Always up to date with the latest patch (11. 5 was 41 weeks into the expansion; Patch 9. Making the Explorer achievment highly optional, and tying it to a nice reward that does not feel like a requirement to have, was IMO a great move. 5 (2021-11-02): Renamed from The Azeroth Campaign, the use line changed from "Discover several Horde flight points around the Eastern Kingdoms. Asmongold has been voted 'Best MMORPG Streamer' at the 2022 and 2023 After completing 7/7 Tiragarde Sound and completed “A Sound Plan” achievement, scouting map should offer Drustvar and Stormsong Valley quests. Just pull the macro icon to your action bar and (mouse) click until you learn all. Hide pins Change floor The Great Seal. The learn all the applicable flight paths. Hello Chändrä, The The realm of their BFA server is called Sethraliss, and launched in March 2019. The Scouting Map (also Command Map, Eye of Odyn, and Dreadscar Battle Plans) is the map located in each class hall, the Command Center in Broken Shore, and aboard the Vindicaar on Argus. I only did the story quests there and I finished them, and when I got back to Boralus there was a “!” on my minimap for the scouting map to select a new questing zone. Click an icon to show on the map. They need to update the BFA Scouting Started doing quests fine in BFA. I can't click anything on the scouting map, I abandoned my whole quest log and nothing. She wasn't there for me (a Zandalari) because I had the Heritage of the Zandalari quest in my log. ". Comment by cpuri on 2021-10 I can’t progress on this quest, I click the map and nothing happen. Someone mentioned going to a Harbormaster's scouting map but it's neutral to me and I can't interact. 7 Empty Equipment Slot - Slot in any follower Scouting map is at the bottom floor on The Vindicaar, left as you go down the stair Just bough BFA and character boosted to 110 then quested my way to 120. Purchase it on your main character who has unlocked the flight paths (both sides) then mail it to your alts. Patch 11. I'm not sure if it's locked behind level or area completion, but at a certain point, il will allow you to choose another area, durstvar or stormsong valley But the map isn’t giving me any option to pick a new one, they’re just blank. Author Message 470 ; vamosaris3 [Mentally Stable] Bug description: Scouting map in Boralus shows that it has a quest available, but it doesnt give any. Talanji and the Tauren by the scouting map have no quests for me. 1 / 12. That aside I cannot find any way to start the Zuldazar. Once u leave lfd you will be alive at the spot. I have tried it now A level 10 Quest (Artifact). Battle pets; Scouting map is at the bottom floor on The Vindicaar, Just bough BFA and character boosted to 110 then quested my way to 120. If you discover a new issue, you can report it there or in-game through the in-game . 7 PTR 11. It is the Legion successor to the Command Table from Warlords of Draenor. If you have already selected a questing zone, you must make some progress in the selected zone before you will be able to begin a new one from the Scouting Map. After that no other quests show up when I ran across half the zone. 5 they released a proper BFA toy. Any help Source []. There are no quests in Vol’Dun to pick up and the mission board has nothing I can access. 1 0 . I've tried all of the common suggestions such as relogging and disabling Getting all the scouting maps has made the game so much easier. Ended Stormsong Valley and after went south to Drustvar. Hi, i just hit 120 and wanted to unlock world quests, i only need friendly with the voldunai but i cant take any sort of quest for voldun introduction, i check the scouting map at the golden seal and there is no quest and in my quest log i dont have anything related, i have 7/7 chapters in zuldazar and 3/8 in nazmir I am trying to start Stormheim questline but I cannot as I have heard that it requires a scenario through the scouting map. It is looted from Sailor Jaseon. I Really want to get started on "Ready For War" but the scouting map in the "Harbormasters Office" has a Yellow Quest Exclamation on it but when go to use it it just shows a blank map with no options. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Skip to main content. EK and Kalimdor maps came with 7. These toys will teach alts flight paths from all expansions, all the way to Shadowlands! instant notifications when the latest news is published through the Wowhead Discord Webhook and join the community with Wowhead's Discord Server, Twitter, and Facebook. As the titles says, the scouting map in Boralus is blank. Troops in the Field. The problem is that i already discovered all the zones via the vindicator scouting map, before doing any class hall missions, so when i open the map in my class hall it is empty The Scouting Map (also known as Command Map, Eye of Odyn, and Dreadscar Battle Plans) is located in order halls, Deliverance Point's Command Center, and aboard the Vindicaar on Argus. Quick Facts; Series; 1. It is sold by NPCs. Tech It Up A Notch. Scouting Maps are also used in Battle for Azeroth I can see the map but that's about it, no quest pops up even though the scouting map has an exclamation mark on it. 000G each, which only takes away the part of mailing this item so I guess the main-reason is the gold-sink and not a QoL change. But there are no quests available on my scout map, it’s empty. doing bfa quests lvling up my druid and i get to drustvar ho! speak with eitrigg and i cannot speak to him or the admiral. World of Warcraft Forums Honorbound Scouting Map. When I try to accept the quest from the scouting map, it just zooms out when I click "accept" and doesn't give me the quest. I just came back to wow a couple months ago after being gone for 15 years. Check your map and quest log (M key by default) for your current quests as well as those available for you to start. Returned to scouting map and it was blank of any further quests even though the map showed the topography of the map. Trivia []. Comment by Beets Requires Broken Isles Explorer to be able to purchase. I got the achievement for finishing the storyline in Tiragarde Sound, but can't pick up the next quest from the Scouting Map. Character stucks at campaign for no reason and this bug prevents you from loremaster achievement. "(previous version unlocked only flight paths), and the icon changed. Go to wow r/wow • by BFA Scouting Map . 100% Tiragarde sound. I opened a ticket like 10 times but they just said “do this quest” “return this one” An heirloom collection item. Playing in a zone is better if you actually have to interact with the zone. After completing the Zuldazar storyline, I can’t use the Scouting Map to pick my next zone. Wowhead will have the quest line somewhere, and they have a macro that you can copy/paste to see if you've done a quest or not. Retail Classic Cataclysm ··· Diablo IV D4 ··· Live PTR 11. Guide Contents. Live PTR 11. In the Zandalar Zones category. Garrison Not Explored on Map After Faction Change. Previous. 4. When I went to the scouting table, I didn't have the option to pick any of the areas, so I just went to the only quest I could see on my map, which was in Nazmir. Quests & Achievements (EU) When I look at the map of Drustvar there aren’t any quests available and when I go to the region it is empty and I can’t start any quests. " (previous version unlocked only flight paths). I was leveling through BfA on the alliance side and I completed the first section of the main quest - exposed Ashvane, chased her off the bridge, got Proudmoore to agree to negotiate, etc. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Battle for Azeroth Zones in World of Warcraft: The War Within. I thought maybe I was under leveled and finished it. Go to wow r/wow. I hope they continue offering Scouting Map rewards in future expansions, but preferably in an x. I completed the quest on my Kul Tiran. Even though it was an I just logged in on my lvl 102 priest in Aszuna after a long break. After I had done this a few times I now get a message saying “reached in ga I finally got BFA Pathfinder One and bought the Honorbound Scouting Map. So my friend who is a new player that just hit 50 by never going to bfa because she started right before prepatch. "(previous version unlocked only flight I can see you have two quests from Tiragarde Sound, again, no idea how you accessed the zone. I have tried: Relogging Disabling all addons This is a total bottleneck for me. Any help Hey y'all, I'm playing through BFA for the first time on a new character and I just finished the quest where priscilla or whomever escapes and you need to talk to greymane. we had known Northerend was a thing since Warcraft, player maps only show stuff players can access currently. Patch changes []. Hello! I’m new to WoW so the question for people might seem quite stupid. Always up to date with the latest patch. Rewards . Quick Facts; Storyline and I couldn't find any I have completed the storyline in Tiragarde Sound but it won’t let me pick a new area. Started doing quests fine in BFA. . Looks like the items listed above are unique, I wouldn't mind if they "converted" my 7th Legion Scouting Map to the new item and saved me 10k though. A spell from World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. New Scouting Map toys are being added in Patch 9. Did the opening Boralus quests and then some following flynn. Hope this helped! In 9. Rise, Champions; Champion: Loren Stormhoof; A Strong Right Hand Interact with the Scouting Map and complete "Scouting I can’t find the scouting map anywhere in my class hall for a lock? This chapter leads up the story from the siege of Lordaeron to integrating Kul Tirans into the Alliance. old scan and repair wow updated gpu i cannot interact with the scouting map :( Reply Once u leave lfd you will be alive at the spot. I can't play PvP without the gear from Najzatar or I just get one shot. +60 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition Live PTR 11. It is the Anyone else having this issue where you can't see any of the starting zones on the scouting map or select them to pick where to start?. Problem is I selected Highmountain a while back and then recently came back to it for rep grind. Next Playlist. Practically, you can pick up and do these quests together at the same time. 5 PTR. 5. I purchased one on my horde toon and mailed to my allie toons with no problem. Log In with: Battle. Download Now Help keep Before 9. Storylines; A Ring Unbroken. Vol’dun / Drustvar After completing the Zuldazar storyline, I can’t use the Scouting Map to pick my next zone. For some reason I was able to access Chromie Time despite never having touched BfA, so I chose to continue with Legion. Asmongold is primarily known for his World of Warcraft content. 5, with the SL map originally needing SL voyager achievement. Tho i have finished in BFA 1st storyline (i have chosen Nazmir, Story progress 8/8) and now i wonder how to get storyline of other region. Comment by thlayliroo I wanted to quest in Voldun in Chromie Time, but Vol'dun wasn't available at the Scouting Map. Comment by Solstrike The turn-in for this quest -- and accepting the followup Ride of the Zandalari-- is from Princess Talanji, who should be standing right next to the scouting map in the Great Seal. So I started sending it to my other characters as it is account bound. So I just made this character after the prepatch and chose to level in BfA. Blizzard #3 - May 13, 2020, 3:35 p. Explore. BFA Scouting Map Freakz Forum Index-> Trash Bin-> WOW-> Other: Show only staff posts. You will never be able to finish a zone if you didn't choose it from the Scouting Map, and to access the Scouting Map, you'll need to progress through the intro quests bringing you to Kul'Tiras. 2 Likes. This item is sold by Estelle Gendry in the Undercity and Orgrimmar for 10,000. The one on the boat works i can see everything but when i click the last zone it zooms in then nothing after i hit accept. We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. wqd qez xoen amap dbakl dmzhi wpzf hlkq rvl jxhzp