I smell bad reddit mucus thats been there a while can smell. To be honest no one has ever complained to me about it and my friends are ruthlessly honest. But then again claiming every indian smells "bad doesnt make sense. I'm reserving going out for doctor's appts only. Shoes again can smell, best to let them dry out and use shoe deorderorizer if needed. If I don’t workout I sometimes go without showers for up to 3 days and in that time there is sometimes no odor whatsoever where I don’t even have to use a No no, this person is right. Many underarm smells are caused by a buildup of bacteria that mix with sweat (nasty description, I know, but knowing why things smell may help you fix the issue). Its insanely frustrating… i went to a Dr and he told me im fine just take anti bacterial soap and medical grade deoderant I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT but literally showering daily but i still smell… the problem is i dont realize it, unless someone points it out!!!! Don’t put stuff down there that’s perfumed and try to cover up the smell. i had the worst check it out OP, i wake up and go to the gym without showering. You are doing everything you can and more to not smell bad. then you could add diary / milk products to your diet. A lot of the comments don't answer the question. I use old spice body wash and dove shampoo. “ and then drop the convo. Tips & tricks : Use a 2-in-1 antiperspirant & deodorant (the antiperspirant stops the sweating, the deodorant works on the bacteria) - apply at night before bed and a second layer in the morning tldr; I smell bad because of some weird medical condition and it's preventing me from holding a job. It might make it worse (think the shitrus smell when someone tries to cover up the fact that they pooed by spraying air freshener). So it's safe to just assume that you smell just fine If you follow basic hygiene practices, ninety percent of the time it's your clothing. If I can smell it then I'm sure others can. He even said he held off on telling you because he was afraid you’d be mad at him. I think it has to do with my weight gain (5'2 170lbs), I'm starting the gym on Monday but I need some tips on how you keep up with your hygiene, things I should stop, or things I should incorporate in my day-to-day basis. I'm mortified, I had problems with hygiene before but I thought I was doing pretty good. 25 votes, 41 comments. i know i stink. (Shit smell) Third, change your diet. Yup, its likely this. Yes the smell goes away! Just to be honest with you, whenever I have a patient who’s floss smells after flossing, that’s usually how their breath in general smells (unknowingly). Interesting. I shower, and for a few hours I smell normal, but then I smell bad again, and my hairs oily again, and it looks like I haven't showered in days. I would be prepared for a few different responses: good and bad. you can check all the boxes of gingival health and still smell bacteria on your floss if you are I still want to smell good and FRESH while I'm out and about but I'm worried that the sweat I accumulate will make me smell rancid instead. If you're worried about smelling bad, perfume isn't really the solution. the dentist is mainly looking at attachment levels, probing depths, bleeding on probing, color, contour, etc. oh well. Hand sanitizing my armpits level bad (still wouldn’t resolve the smell). ) I think people smell bad sometimes because they're wearing too much perfume or cologne. Esp work out clothing and shirts near the pits. Alright in all seriousness, it's not that you get so used to it that you don't smell yourself if it's foul, but if you slowly lose hygiene over time, you'll start smelling to those around you, but you likely won't smell it. This can truly make your body stink. Its not like everyone carries around perfumes and deos (not saying they shouldnt) Basically, fish only really smells bad if its not fresh. g. My guess is his pubes. Sometimes it just the natural smell of a person. If you have bad BO, it's likely your clothes have your old BO smells sunk into it. I’ve never met someone else who has sneezes like this, but my friend said it was normal. Not bad, just different. When you wear perfume you often become nose blind and don't realize how much it smells to others. It's not a bad smell, just a crotchy smell. He jumped backwards in disgust!!! Short, silly question. Next time they do that and you KNOW you don't smell bad, tell them everything you've said here. Sure, some people have a less developed sense of smell, especially in the post-COVID era, but anyone without an olfactory issue can smell it, even if just faintly. i personally could never shower once a week, i average 4 a week, maybe shower twice a week. Do you floss and brush your teeth? You can get gingervitus and that can smell really bad and go a long way in a room. Some people have really sensitive noses! And even if they didn't, humans are mega sensitive to sulphur and garlic has a lot of sulfur and other extremely potent compounds in it, not to mention when it's metabolized in a way that it gets into your bloodstream, your sweat, your pee. I can smell it on their hands… also can smell when someone has been heavily drinking the day before and down to the type of drink. But still I can smell my self. My reasons for suspecting this is because when Im on the bus or out in public people seem to indicate that I smell. She is very hygienic, has all the toiletries and things she'd ever need, and showers EVERY day before she goes to bed. I am certain that I smell bad but I dont see why I would because I have two baths a day, wear deodorant, wear clean clothes etc. I’m just SO SICK OF HER CONSISTENTLY INSISTING THAT I SMELL BAD. I mean they really smelt bad, it was a medical condition. So be sure to only spray yourself one to three times every 5 hours. Your best bet at finding out what's causing yours is to try a sort of elimination diet. What if I smell like two bad smells - my new ‘me’ smell (please be temporary) and the smell of too much perfume, lotion, powder and shower gel? All of the above helps but it’s a lot of effort to barely keep the swamp smell at bay. The fact that all my coworkers could smell me stinking up the place is fucking me up. Let me say not everyone that smells "bad" to me actually smells like body odor. It's feeling as if I smell like eggs and mothballs that gets me. anything incredibly unhealthy will give you an odour if eaten often. smell still bad? cut out sugars. If you already stink, putting perfume on is just going to add another layer to the smell. My dad does not use deoderant but his body chemistry is such that he does not smell. Hi everyone, recently I've been feeling like I smell all the time and showering isn't helping. And I'm SO EMBARRASSED. I obviously hide the fact that I’m grossed out because I don’t want him to feel bad. The smoke when you blow out a candle. So basically, I've noticed the last few months that my period blood smells really bad. I had a bad breath and no one told me my breath smelt bad untill I saw my dad. Sometimes we can get so in our heads about our smell because industries try to push a perfumey or odorless vulva smell to sell more products. it should get better. Most of the time, depression can manifest itself in bad personal hygiene. If it goes bad, or they are super defensive and tell you off, don’t let it become an argument, and just say “I didn’t mean to upset you, I just wanted to let you know. I don't think I always smell, I remember this occasion -I don't go out regularly- I was making a trip on a bus and in the way a man sat by my side but he changed seats after 30 minutes, I think this time I started to smell because I got nervous he would feel Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. There is always a horrible smell on the floss there. If its really nasty smelling, chances are its gone bad. People are starting to realize that, for instance, mouthwash might help bad breath in the short-term, but the alcohol in mouthwash kills good bacteria as well as bad. That one is also a product I have a lot of beef with. sour milk. It was the opposite results for women. Get a thorough checkup with a dr. No one ever told me it was me or hinted or anything, and I am a clean person so thought it couldn't be me. " Thanks for the tip! I should've figured that our counseling service has probably dealt with similar scenarios in the past and could perhaps act as a delicate third party. That will just make it worse, and might give you a yeast infection. I have also tried anti bacterial soap, that doesn't do much of anything. Why This post has been automatically marked as "spoiler" and "NSFW", due to the nature of the content (and in accordance with subreddit rule number 4 if this post has been flaired as "Crisis"). I'll try your advice if it happens again. They smell of sweat. The stuff I’m talking about will just improve the general health of that area, and also because of that decrease smell. The other day I read something about smell and how a sexually attracted partner is drawn to their partner's natural smell or something. One thing I noticed was that it was hard to get the stink out of my clothes (particularly my bras) and after much trying and failing to find something to solve that problem, I stumbled on white vinegar. (Unless you drench yourself in AXE body spray, that stuff smells like hell. They had a bit of a funky smell for a while but nothing too bad. Also fabric softener. (Feet smell or dirty patchouli smell) Lastly, health. I shower daily and use deodorant(old spice). (Male, 23 y/o) among these 3 years, i was told 5 times by 5 different people that i smell. When ever I am around anyone I am just afraid I smell bad and I can't shake the feeling. Like REALLY bad. I have used unopened bacon that is wayyyy past it's and 100% fine Fresh fish doesn't smell bad. Thanks but it's not the chimney smell that bothers me. Hold your nose in your shirt, smell the inside of a s So I’m a high schooler 18 years of age and this only recently started happening like 3-4 months ago I started to have this very bad smell that I can’t smell but when I’m in class people can from across the room they legit start gagging and when people from other classes come in they always ask why it smells bad and when I walk the halls people like 20 feet away from me say it stinks but No matter what I do I can always smell a bad odor coming from my body. I used so many different detergent and softener that say they remove odor. Sweat doesn't smell bad, it's only when you don't bathe and the bacteria start to build up after a day or so that you develop a bad smell. I shower, i use deodorant, sometimes i use cologne, but i always start smelling bad after a few hours of doing these things. Combines with the fact that you'll sweat more easely when overweight will exaggerate the smelly sensation. But I know it smells bad and so does my mom, as she remarked on it. What do you eat? Do you exercise a lot? It’s very unlikely so smell after a shower. (Except maybe IN the bathroom combined with #2. definitely divisive, though. That smell was unholy, way worse than a literal truck-full of offal, like as bad as if it'd been a pile of roadkill or something. I really don’t know what more I can do? i'm a kimchi eater and they got my upvote. there seems no end to it. The sooner it gets from the swimming to your stomach, the better. The Lume works on privates, feet and healed piercings if you suffer from weird piercing smells. Since the beginning of this year my classmates and random strangers say I smell bad. The rule of thumb with cologne is if you can smell it on yourself, it's too strong. Now say a DIFFERENT strain of bad bacteria is introduced, they fight but if there Is no immediate winner so they cooperate forever. However, today I smelt something awful and realized it was the headphones - I was able to smell it just by wearing them! So I smelled the insides to make sure and it REEKED . i can't have a decent conversation with people. Kind of like spraying Axe body wash to mask the smell of piss and vomit, it feels like spraying on more Cologne throughout the day while still sweating will give you that nauseating smell of having BOTH Those thick plush towels can harbor odor-causing bacteria and drying your hair with them will send bad smell in. Wash or wipe your wrist after. Because of this, I shampoo everyday. When is the last time you saw a dentist? A fishy smell is nebulous. Anybody else live in constant fear of smelling bad? I take about three showers a day and use so much cologne and deodorant that I smell TOO good, if that makes sense. No matter where you are people cough,sneeze or cover their nose. use a salt-water solution from a spray bottle to clear out your nose good and proper For example my friends feet were the worst culprit. It wears down clothes, makes them smell unbearable and the substance itself is such a nasty chemical soup that I can smell the taste just by opening the bottle, and it's hell to get rid of once it's inside my nose. If the saliva smells bad, you have bad breath. (Sweat naturally doesn't smell bad (unless you are a teen due to racing hormones), it either smells bad due to bacteria or hormones. And if you ate garlic, someone around you can smell it. Fish only lasts a couple days uncooked. I have a really bad sense of smell and it does mildly impact me. Some of them do know what it smells like, don't like the smell, and still have trouble quitting, which should tell you something about how hard it is to quit. I mean, I can't drive myself anywhere for another 5 weeks ish anyway and we only have the one carseat base so far in daddy's car. I thought I might just need to up my armpit hygiene game a lil, so I started being more rigorous about washing my armpits every morning and evening and immediately applying an odorless antiperspirant deodorant (I've been using this one for over 1 year). You can’t tell if you smell bad if you can’t smell. Basically it changed the way certain things smell for me. Deoderant too. I am not overly endowed but I am told I am on high side of average. Happens more often with nitrogen-rich foods like meat. I can tell when my shoes smell, or my breath smells, or if I forgot deodorant, or if I accidentally put on too much perfume and it sounds like you might not be noticing these smells at all (assuming that it's you, it might not be). I've asked other people, and everyone says I don't smell bad and that I actually smell good. It's also the only spot I floss that ever has any bleeding, even tho it's pretty rare. disgusts you a bit, not good, not just "has a smell") then it is fine. You've probably smelled it before on food gone bad: if bad food doesn't smell like sulphur, but does have a sharp vinegar-like smell, that's ammonia. Sometimes straight after sneezing I can smell a bad smell but only for 5-10 seconds. Ha- not "never," but, yes, VERY RARELY. Being dehydrated can make you smell worse, as well. So, I produce a lot of oil- on my face, body, and scalp as well. It's hard to smell yourself, that's normal. It's described as Fishy or like poop. i pay for the right to be there. I do not sweat a single drop, and I smell like NOTHING for DAYS. The smell is body odor, and it’s very unpleasant. If you have the money, buy a few pairs of jeans/pants and change those. My girlfriend likes the smell of my crotch on her fingers in the morning too so it's win/win. OP isn't asking how to prevent bad breath but how to determine if you have it. People in high school always asked if I was a smoker because my parents smoked cigarettes indoors and the scent stuck to everything I owned, for example. If it's gone off prior to the use-by date you should get a refund. do you wash your clothes often or take I used to smell kind of sour and bad all the timeonce I stopped dairy, that all went away. But even right after shampooing, or around an hour after, my scalp has a slight oily smell to it that gets a bit stronger throughout the day. This has been confirmed by sources that have told me this, so I know it is not in my head. Fabric softener can make that worse because the softener gums up the fibers which can promote worse bacteria/mildew growth that’s now also harder to smell in the towel itself. I don't purposely sniff it but the smell gets to my nose and it's pleasant. . The short answer is: you can’t. Nothing. It’s crazy because I don’t smell the smell, like I can smell everything else perfectly fine. That’s probably your diet. try this for another week. Everytime I go outside with fresh wash clothes it smells bad . Middle aged men were said to have the "yuckiest and most intense" smells, while old-man smells were the "most pleasant and least intense" smells. it can be well hidden and a big detriment! can damage and make your bedsheets, clothes, curtains, etc smell awful, and it can also damage your health quite severely. i stink. It could be a condition called parosmia. If you’re in Europe, you can find Borotalco “odor converter” which helps mask smells really well. I only wear my clothes once. Keep looking for the cause, don’t give up. Some people can actually smell sickness and disease. Kind of like vinegar. My family doesn't go near my anymore due to the fear of my farts. No one else knows. My manager approached me today and said that a customer told her l smelled very bad. I am getting so paranoid. Use spray-on aluminum deodorant. Like really really bad. I have not noticed bad smell from regular deep flossing (even after oral hygienist visits) but for some reason there is really bad smell coming out from that tooth, like for real bad, even food tastes awful when eating. Thinking logically ( yes I know anxiety isn't Logical ) how could you possibly smell bad? You take all of these extra precautions against Snelling bad. Edit: it’s Antoni! as to your food: try this for two weeks if this already helps fine. Like before, I don't sniff it but it's just the random whiff of it that smells really nice. if your room smells bad, i recommend doing a big check for mold or damp spots. I had this kind of problem when I reached a certain advanced age, so I think hormonal changes play a role in this. Like smell was penetrating thru layers of clothing yet only minimal sweating. Someone who can tell you every day if your body or breath or clothes smell wrong. The past couple of days I have suddenly started having quite strong BO. If the clothes smell bad, clean the washer first and begrudgingly realize you have to do ALL your laundry. once when i was 20 i was paranoid that i smelled bad and it took me far too long to realise the problem was in my nose. Don't do that. Maybe your parent's house smells bad for whatever reason, and that scent lingers on you all day. I agree with this. That can cause me to back up or have a funny face. I should just throw them away probably 😅 I read that bacteria got into the fabric and if you don’t wash it hot enough, you don’t get I'm 16 and I've had this problem for so long, no matter what I do my room smells awful like rotting cheese, I keep my room clean I wash and change my bedding regularly, wipe down my walls and furniture every week, and deep clean at the beginning of every month. And the smell of correction fluid. Smell them in a couple of hours. You're just very young and feeling awkward. The customer was very apologetic about it and my manager was very kind. My crotch smells crotchy though, but not strong enough that you can smell it from normal talking distance. That smell can really travel and won't air out during the day, it will stick until the next wash. I need help please thx Share Add a Comment Breath: -breath spray or breath mints or even mint candy. 25 weeks and not much else to say here. Yet it can lose and suddenly your gut is full of ick. I know of a way you can tell if you smell bad. It's not a bad smell it just doesn't vibe with me( Think pheremones. If you smelled like human piss I'd most likely chalk it up to mental health issues and/or a baby using you as a sentient diaper. o. The second he takes his pants off I smell that dreadful smell. Polyester clothing. for example, you don’t know the natural smell of your house or how it smells in general because you live there, but visitors detect a scent in it. If you suspect you smell a little Hi everyone, recently I've been feeling like I smell all the time and showering isn't helping. I can smell it when I'm walking around outside usually, especially if I get a little sweaty. Expired. Here's something you can try but you probably won't like it, go to classes and when someone says you smell, then make an appointment to a doctor/dermatologist or, as others have said, ask a teacher you trust if you smell bad, if they don't smell anything then it's just your bullies just being assholes for that one time you smelled bad. Use only cotton and natural fabrics. And there's no amount of hygiene apart from a full shower that does anything to reduce the smell. I know this sounds like a lot, but ideally you do it once and then stay on top of it moving forward. I switched to deo, they went away, and I didn't smell any less better. According to this article people have a different smell. But, remember a vulva doesn't smell like daisies and most always have a "smell" and by the end of the day most don't smell particularly pleasant. Anybody get me? I think sometimes people with bad hygiene don't always know they smell bad and often people close to them are afraid of hurting their feelings by telling them. So if you smell piss on yourself, everyone else can definitely smell it. I asked my boyfriend, and he tells me that sometimes I smell bad. Especially if it's raw like in sushi. Known causes of smelly sweat are meat (fatty acids making you smell bad), alcohol ("I drank last night" smell,), cruciferous vegetables (brussels sprouts, brocoli, - these cause a fishy smell), spicy foods, asparagous. One suggestion, check and make sure you have not left a tampon inside you by accident as this can apparently create a bad smell that would get worse as time moves on. Well that certainly sounds more appealing then sitting him down and being like "I'm gonna level with you, you smell bad. It doesn’t matter if I already have washed them, or even if I’ve just come out of the shower, she still insists tha Foods like garlic and onion can make you smell worse. Try going to Gastro medic,proctology,i myself have to go soon, kegel exercies for sphinctetal problems might work. it's so incredibly frustrating. i'm avoiding all my friends. Does anyone have any advice? Maybe to clean my self differently or dealt with a similar problem and how you got through it? i've had bad breath for around three years now and it has been absolutely awful. Sweat, by itself, is odorless. I feel like my family can also smell it but don't have the guts to tell me. Throwaway because of shame. I'm not even kidding, like now I just dropped a fart that smelled so bad I blamed my little brother because I couldn't believe that godforsaken smell came from my own anus. In the long-term, there seems to be credence to the idea that using mouthwash ultimately creates a cycle of bad breath, essentially causing the problem that it purports to solve. For context I shower every day and after I put on deodorant. I can get rid of that smell by taking a long shower. I've heard things like "Oh my god, she smells like shit" or "Damn, if she smells bad, she should just take a shower, it's not that hard!" followed by laughter and giggles. No smell and it was summer IN THE SOUTH! Now, not to be gross, but if I were to describe the smell it’s like. Don't wear too much perfume, especially cheap perfume as this will cause you too smell overwhelmingly perfumed in a bad way. For some reason some people seem to not pick up on that smell. the people at the gym get me at my worst. You will be doing yourself a huge favor by flossing more regularly! The smell will go away! I have the worst fear that I always smell bad. Every day before work I also put on deodorant and cologne. i go home, i shower, and then im presentable. Im assuming you eat a lot of fast food. Lately I've told her I'm too tired to have sex when it's really because her vagina smells so bad. Your doctor cleared you already, so my money is on him not knowing what the fuck he’s talking about. Would you rather he hadn’t told you? I’d think you’d want to know if you smell bad. My armpits smelled like onions for like 4-5months straight and just went back to normal suddenly one day. Ask them why they insist that you smell bad, maybe it's their own upper lips they're smelling! If it ain't you, it's something else. Certain Dri prescription strength roll on, plus Lume deodorant is the holy grail. I developed it after having COVID in 2020. My vaginal health is fine and the smell goes away right after my period ends. (19F) also my dad said it’s probably hormones and due to the fact we’re human😁 I wouldn’t worry too much we are meant to smell and be natural. But here's the catch: it takes 24 hours for this bad smell to form. but if you come to relate the smell to a good feeling (for weed it’s getting high, for ferret it’s the sweet affection of a wee noodle) then you’ll come to think of it as a good smell. It’s pretty simple. I genuinely have no clue what's going on and any advice or ideas on what could be causing this would help. I don't smell much, but my boyfriend wears strong aftershave sometimes which I like, and he's never smelled bad to me. Seriously, what can I do to make the fart smell less intense? New sweat does not smell, old sweat does. but im not at the gym to look or smell good in that moment, im at the gym so i look better AFTER the gym. what do? EDIT 1: Hey, this post actually got through this time. So say you get an influx of "bad" bacteria in your intestines, you have "good" bacteria that you actually use in there that fights it. Maybe you're wearing too much deodorant and overpowering their senses? As a woman who also sleeps with women (Pansexual), I can confidently tell you that every vagina smells and tastes different. It's a kind of dirty, musty, sweaty (and on the verge of cheesy in some areas smell). What makes sweat smell bad is the bacteria that lives on your skin. One thing you should know about sweat. Its very important to try to identify the source of the smell,as there are more patologies related to bad smell,it can be stone tonsils,bad smell syndrome which My clothes smell bad after I go outside ? So I am a 18 year old boy . in coffee in food grains. 108 votes, 120 comments. The reason could be: 1) Bad breath (for some people this is due to stomach problems) 2) Too much of a mixture of odors from deodorants 3) Body odor, for some people it is strong and not very pleasant (you need to consult a doctor) 4 ) Smell of cigarettes or house (smells of dogs, fried food, etc. That being said I agree that a lot of people at the gym smell awful. true. i feel like the ambient odor of a ferret is comparable to how people consider weed smell; if you have zero positive associations with it you’ll probably think it’s bad. Basically what it says in the title. The first time, i thought maybe ok, I started to take showers everyday before work, i switched to antibacterial body wash, and wash clothes, i dont even wear my jeans 2x anymore. ) My teenage brother smells so bad and his sport equipment can smell pretty gnarly but since my mom started using this his clothes have significantly improved and don’t have that leftover stink!) Then I use an fabric softener & scent beads (downy calm lavender & vanilla smells heavenly) it just gives it that extra something and leaves my You could smell ok during the early parts of the day, but not later after a full day of sweating. At the very very least, please start changing your underwear, socks and undershirts daily. the people in my real life get me when im all clean Cat piss and human piss smell pretty wildly different, so I can totally understand if you smell like cat piss and would probably assume you worked at a shelter or just took care of several cats. It starts chomping on the sweat and then puts out a bad smell. it’s not noticeable unless somebody straight up has their nose in my hair or if I rub my scalp with my fingertips I can smell it on them, but it still Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. by a dentist's definition you can have good gingiva, while still smelling bacteria on your floss. I don’t understand why it smells like something died in my colon. I smelled bad at first but after a week it went away. Usually young people in their teens and twenties need antiperspirant or they smell like roadkill after a day at work. It has honestly gotten to the point where I literally shove my arm pit in friends and families faces asking if I smell bad, they all say I don’t smell like b. I use a menstrual cup and empty it as the instructions say every 12 hours. Good bacteria helps kill and cancel out bad bacteria, and some bad bacterias cause smells. Now it's time for me to take a quick break from this because I've typed the word "smell" so many times it doesn't feel like a word anymore. Your choices are: Get a dedicated smell tester person. at all, one friend even said I smelled too clean like a lush store. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. In reality a lot of humans smell. If the place where you shop for fish smells bad, they're not cleaning well. ” You aren’t alone. The way I know and judge the smell is by other people’s reactions. Better yet: sniff your own Sweat itself is an odorless liquid, but when we perspire, the bacteria on our skin digest the fats and proteins in our sweat and create a bad smell. Cotton+nylon jeans rarely smell bad, but I've noticed cotton+polyester blends smell bad after a couple of uses (looking at you, American Eagle). keep your space well-ventilated, do a big clean, and continue with your regular cleaning routine and Smoking destroys your sense of smell and taste, and smokers also do get used to it to a certain extent. However, it's possible your clothes may smell bad. ) YSK -Nutrition/digestion trained medical people that know about odor of flatulence use it to help identify digestive issues, malabsorption, even nutrient deficiencies. we can work up more sweat than we actually think we do. Thanks for reading! A few things I forgot to add: Whenever this happens to me, I notice that the smell gets worse when I sweat - and it's not ordinary "sweat smell". Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Yes, they have but indirectly, sometimes I've seen people breathing through their mouth when around me or touching their nose repeatedly. There are some infamous indie perfumes that smell like gasoline, burnt coffee, kerosine, wd-40, different dirts, rotting leaves, wet concrete, etc. I don’t shower often but every time I do shower I tend to smell bad (armpit smell) afterwards very quickly, I usually have to put way more deodorant the day of showering and afterwards. Based on the naked selfies I found later that he had sent her, he was ever so slightly larger and their encounters were based on her recent reading of 50 shades of grey, rough and deep (note to guys: if your woman reads 50SoG, be ready to tie her up and go full on wrestler-kinda-rapey-rough-sex with her). Although our interaction was uncomfortable, the smell dissipated after a while but came back weeks later. Lick your wrist and make sure you get a decent amount of saliva on it. Now, with that said, not all bacteria is bad. To me most of them smell musty, with one or more of the following predominating: 1) the yeastiness, like sweat socks or fritos; 2) a sweaty, sharper, fishlike funk; 3) a smell like unwashed genitals, sorry for the TMI but that's really what it smells like to me. Some people describe it as vinegar, some as rotten beef, other like sulfur so maybe the "poop" smell (sulfur) and fish smell is the same odor. Like sour milk left in the July Florida sun all day. I'm a teenager, and I shower every single night, and wash my hair every 2 days. Hybaclens is an antibacterial soap that doctors use and it does help knock back the smell for me when I’m super stinky. like the other person said overtime you get used to smells. It smells rotten and sour and it's almost unbearable. What could it be? Mince will smell of something but if it doesn't smell "off"(e. Jun 27, 2017 · It's normal for everyone to have their own unique scent — especially after a sweaty day at the gym — but some people seem to have a stronger smell than others. The sulfur smell could be coming from your teeth. ) My teenage brother smells so bad and his sport equipment can smell pretty gnarly but since my mom started using this his clothes have significantly improved and don’t have that leftover stink!) Then I use an fabric softener & scent beads (downy calm lavender & vanilla smells heavenly) it just gives it that extra something and leaves my One of the guys on the (more recent) Queer Eye smelled some old food in a fridge and said “I like a good ‘bad smell’. At first it was a really really horrible smell, but over time it's gotten tolerable. The dry one feels incredibly bad to me. It would help if we knew your reason for not using soap. 192 votes, 69 comments. He won’t cuddle or anything when he says I smell. Not saying it's gone bad, I just prefer fresher fish. I don't understand why my fucking body is like this but I can tell you its fucking miserable constantly being worried that I smell bad. Excess weight and diet can influence your hormonal balance causing you to have bad body odor as well. (wisdom tooth is removed from behind it) I just had a dental checkup & my dentist said the tooth/area looked completely normal, and that bad smells just 'happen' when you get older. You said you brush but you could have some decay. There are some other foods where once I eliminated them, I didn't smell as bad anymore. So if you shower before you run, put on clean running clothes and change to regular clothes afterwards. Another question: are you on the pill? As with the dairy, when I'm on the pill I smell BAD. I have a fairly sensitive nose and can smell when someone has bought celery even if it’s not actually in the room we are in. if your smell is still good, it was probably the amount of sugar, that Even if you get sweaty you're fine. there are people who actually not aware that they smell bad, in your case if you're that curious if you smell bad or not try to ask some colleagues ''do i smell bad?" or "what do i smell like?" Apr 15, 2014 · People sitting immediately around me were forever sneezing, sniffing and complaining of a bad smell. Use a detergent with enzymes, Persil and Ariel work well for me. thats what youre smelling, the waste the bacteria produces. If you leave your clothes in the wash too long they can smell musty, this eventually makes your whole room smell musty. I had some other issues clear up at the same time, like acne. If I don't do this, I feel like I smell bad and need to stay back from people. So then by the time you can smell it, it's likely pretty rank. Or: is it maybe your shirt? I unfortunately have a few shirts that smell no matter what. everyone has a smell but it shouldn't be noticeable unless you're very close to them. ) yep same!! i consistently put on deodorant and wear perfume and check my clothes but when i check my clothes they don’t exactly smell bad but on a warm day i can smell deodorant and kinda sweat but idk how much othered can smell it and it freaks me out - i ask people and they say all they can smell is perfume but idk One of the guys on the (more recent) Queer Eye smelled some old food in a fridge and said “I like a good ‘bad smell’. Go elsewhere. The general rule we go by: if it smells fishy, I don't eat it. Even while camping. I don't know when I smell bad and theres slot of things I didn't realize had a smell until people have told me. Edit: I should add a few things. By by far the worst smell was when the lazy fruit store owner decided one summer that he just wouldn't clean up that pallet of unsold pumpkins and left them to rot in a trash pile. IVe been told , repeatedly by my supervisors superviors, that someone has told them that i smell. But I did start spraying glycolic acid on my pits after showering and that seemed to help. It clings to hair, to clothes, to fingers , and everything. It is all about the amount of bacteria on your body (or something like that). None of the “organic natural” kind. The combination of a "fishy" smell and yellow/green discharge does sound like BV, but you might want to schedule a visit with your gynecologist (although be mindful that overuse of antibiotics can actually make things worse by wiping out all the good and bad bacteria that make up your vaginal microbiome. Your taking it out on your bf, if that’s what you’re doing, isn’t reasonable. Please help me Reddit! My scalp smells really gross and it has for 2-3 years now. But it’s the type that’ll make your nose crinkle when you get close. U can just tell by the energy as well. Even if you wash with a normal washing machine, it won't take away the smell. It’s such an odd smell…. Every time I get home from work, she loves to tell me that my feet smell and that I need to go and wash them. -invest sa tongue scraper para sa bad breath, game changer toh -wag ibalewala ang flossing -avoid bawang, fish, and spicy foods Ears: -behind the ears can smell cheesy. I often cannot tell when food is bad and have to have someone double check for me. i'm still in high school and my entire high school experience has been me hiding from people and ignoring them and hiding from my friends because my breath stinks. Unreasonable about what? You’re being upset is natural and justified. To be fair my sneezes are pretty rough- it leaves my nose area sore for a bit afterwards lol. my theory is youve got grease/oil or whatever up your nose, causing you to smell it everywhere. And I’m not talking about on their breath…. I’ve told her (20F) once already which ended up in uncomfortable and awkward tension, followed by a brief moment in which she didn’t talk to me out of insecurity. I smell still, I scrub. When I sneeze (F20), it smells. Dec 2, 2022 · Let a good friend smell you from head to foot and tell you where the smell is worse. Reddit, please help me I am having this huge problem in my life where I know I smell bad, I do things to prevent it, and I still seem to smell like complete shit. If your towels are clothes aren't being dried right away or are left sitting in the washer for hours on end not only are they gonna smell but you will too. If your sweat stinks, it's probably fue to your diet. Sounds like you need to demand answers from them. Trust me, you're perfectly fine. if not u cancle diary / milk products. If you hold your tongue to the back of your hand for a few seconds and smell it, that'll tell you how your breath smells. I mean yeah there will be people who geniunly have shit hygiene and smell bad, i had a roommate who did. If your fish smells bad, it is bad. But in their defense half of it is from eating onions or Mexican food for lunch. Hydration. 32 votes, 26 comments. You have never had a complaint and your friends say you smell fine. If it smells/tastes “bad”, there would be an infection. -Better yet, bring a portable toothbrush and brush your teeth after lunch or recess. Rather unrelated to the post, but related to smells, you can also sometimes smell when someone is on their period- especially if they wear pads (not tampons or cups, but pads). Generally it's the moldy wet sour smell from clothing which was wet for too long or not properly dried. Take a shower at night and put your clothes you wore that day in a bag by themselves. My mouth is the biggest worry to me, because when I flare my breath smells bad, so I try to keep everything in as good an order as I can - I brush at least twice a day, using an electric toothbrush a couple times a week and a manual the rest (epilepsy prevents me from using the electric every day), brush tongue, floss well, use a dentist When I quit, I can smell it from 10 metres away. It even makes me stay away from people . Also, the vagina does have a slight natural smell, that’s normal. Fish still has a distinctive smell, but fresh fish doesn't stink at all. And there is no amount of mint, brushing teeth, or washing hands that manages to make a dent in that smell. Try finding the source of the smell,body,teguments,nose,down area etc. The older the fish, the stankier it will be. My family doctor has given up on it, told me to just try and make it work as best I can but idk if I can do that anymore. I think most people in the western world use soap with rare exceptions. This seems unlikely, so: Pretend everything smells bad by default and overcompensate. You cant smell them while wearing them because you are use to the smell. tucpcpqtwmatxtmzmwkpzixxjlccdjuqffphrxygcktivvbphexaqvf