Guiding lands total level cap. Log in to add games to your lists.
Guiding lands total level cap If you hunt enough monsters, it's possible to have all six regions at level 7 (but almost no-one has achieved this without cheats). This guide shows where to find and how to unlock them. What is the cap at the beginning? I thought it was 777441, but I have mine at 775221 and I seem to be at cap. (These are different to the monster specific materials that also drop in the guiding lands) The nodes themselves have three stages, and these can be seen through progress bars The max total level of all regions is around 27, so you can have a max of three regions at 7. These are namely the Zorah For example, I can make namielle's guiding lands material by using 4 extinction greathorns The main point of de-leveling, I believe, is to allow you to level other areas at all. tekato 4 years ago #10. Neat info on how much it takes per level, but I mean increasing the total you're allowed to raise before something else goes down. Just enough to get an additional area from 1 to 7 cap, but not the full cap. I have a level 5 volcanic region, but I can't get to level 6 I'm MR 63 & HR 79, I don't know how to get to level 6 Maybe I missed something in the tutorial for guiding lands, so Guiding Lands: Best Biomes to Max and Set You can level up freely until you hit your exp cap (27 levels total assuming you got all regions unlocked and can level to 7). Very noob question: How do I level up my zones in Guiding Lands? Another noob question: What's a fast way to level up my MR rating? I need it to unlock Golden Rathian and Silver Rathalos. At the Even with the cap removed, you currently can only have 18 levels total, no more. So I lowered my AF and WS down to rank 6, and it still wouldn't let them join me. do guiding lands to get coral level 7 and your MR to MR100. None of my friends can join me because they aren't a high enough level. You can increase the total Guiding Lands level have hunting temper elder dragon. At higher levels, After reaching MR100, you can level your GL regions to a maximum combined level of 27 (with 7,7,7,4,1,1 seeming to be the most common combination). Your level 7 zones are not safe. For guiding land leveling, there is actually a soft cap on the maximum total level across the areas, personally would make sure the hot and cold area are maxed. Because Forest, Coral, Volcanic and Tundra are so common even in public expeditions, I actually leveled up my Rotten Vale biome because when it came time to hunt Tempered Vaal Hazaak for augments, no one could help me with it, so I grinded it to level 7 :( and let my friends level the others. It'd be something like 5600 hunts to go from 28 to 42 (allowing 6 regions x 7 levels) My guess is someone cheated region levels and came up with that bs so others would try it. Max total level is 27 without farming T3s in the thousands. Your total level realistically caps at 26-27, so that means at most 3 biomes with level 7, one with level 3-4 and the other 2 at level 1. It's a total of 6, 8, and 12, respectively IIRC. No. Eventually you will get some for sure. repeat. To the Very Ends with You Information. There's a tiny little portion of bar that doesn't want to get filled for some reason. All games (3,300) Recently added (42) Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. Also always check on your wildlife map what locale a monster is tied to as that's where it will tend to nest and where the Basically, in the guiding lands there is a hidden mechanics where you can raise the level cap by killing things. Usual area to leave at 7 are volcano and coral. Once you hit the required level cap quests spawn in which subsequently unlock the level caps for each region. IIRC you need to kill 3500 to have all zones maxed out, You need 7143 lvl 7 region hunts to max out the guiding lands level cap. Best way to lvl up guiding lands? I need temp kirin and temp black diablos materials and both coral and wildspire are lvl 1. It gives tons of steamworks fuel. Maxing the guiding lands? Question The XP toward the level cap depends on the region level, so those weak monsters in lv 7 regions are the best choices. What materials do you actually I’ve been stuck at level 6 forest region on the guiding lands, I am MR 92 and idk how to unlock level 7 for the guiding lands Tempered Elder Dragons are locked behind the last cap of MR as well, which is 99. (raising the cap is an insane person task, don't bother) so you throw 6 levels into the big 3 (vol, tundra, coral) to bring them up from 1 to 7, then you have 3 left over spare. The Guiding Lands. it was 18 prior and so far ive seen a total of 23 for the current cap with 3 lvl 7's and 2 lvl 1's havent seen anything higher yet. Slay Ruiner Nergigante . The vast majority of tempered monsters require lvl 6 or 7 zones, but there is a total level cap across all regions. Failure Conditions: Time expires, Faint 3 times. Does anyone know the maximal possible sum of all region levels in the Guiding Lands? In the beginning (when there was only 4 regions), you could only have 19 max, so two regions at lvl 7 and one at 5. Where is the fun in roaming my own guiding lands solo while my friends toil away elsewhere. So this means if you kill any monster in any guiding lands in a level 7 area, you increase your maximum by 21 points. So if you have coral level 7 and kill a tzitzi ya ku, you get 21 points to your cap. Adjust guiding lands level back up. Skip to main content. your first goal should be to get your total Region Levels to be 12 or more; that unlocks some new stuff for you. #3. Sirk 4 With the Rajang report, I'm guessing you've reached the level cap on your guiding lands. finalevil151. 9999% using mods. So we both grinded until we reached MR 69, expecting to receive the "Big Burly Bash" quest to raise the MR cap further to 99. so you need precisely 477 What's the max guiding lands levels for PC currently? On 2/6, the cap goes up to 23, so you could have (7/7/7/1/1). Higher level regions spawn more difficult monsters. IIRC for ever 40 odd tempered monsters your total cap increases by 1? Lock levels will lock your region levels which will prevent your regions from lowering when doing something in another region. So you could have 5 regions at level 5(25) and one region at level 2, and that would cap your guiding lands. T1s and T2s should get the 3x per level. From a practical POV, you have 27 total levels to work with, so do not waste levels on regions you are not interested in. I ended up de-leveling my own GL areas so I could level up my rotten zone to get 1 monster drop. On 3/12, the cap goes to 27, so you can still only have 3 areas at 7, and will have 6 total levels to split between the remaining three zones. GT: Sho Minamimotto/PSN: Azure_Reaper8/Switch: 3102-7895-8025/FGO: 349-336 OK, I had Ancient Forest and Wildspire Guiding Lands at rank 7, and to have a friend join me they say they have to be MR 100. Along the way at MR49, MR69 you hit soft caps that give a new story assignment each and allow you to level up the Guiding Lands further. So I lowered both down to rank 5 (the level that my friend has unlocked), and it still wouldn't let them join me. For regions you are not interested in, reduce their level to 1 to free up cap space so when leveling up a region, other regions of interest do not lower. You'll first need to make sure you've leveled up your hunter to Master Rank 69 and then completed the quest Big Burly Bash. Skip to content. You can however build exp towards getting an additional region level (very very slowly) by hunting more monsters in the guiding lands. Hunting a monster gives you 3 x region level exp (so a monster that spawned in a lvl 7 region gives you 21 exp). Fixing the levels means it won’t level up and others won’t level down while you’re there. fight furious rajang and raging brachydios. . Big Burly Bash Information. Reviews. Raging brachy gear is the best prior to fatalis. They're only MR 81 (I think) so they couldn't join. You can, however, remove the cap by finishing following assigned quests: “Sleep Now in the Fire” – unlocks at MR49 and removes the MR cap there, as well as raises the Guiding Lands level limit to 5 2) “Big Burly Bash” – unlocks at MR69 and removes the MR cap there, as well as raises the Guiding Lands level limit to 6 But it's time to end this. You can up your level cap, but 1 level = a few hundred hours of hunts, so don't bother. To get all regions to 7 you would need to grind for ages, I forget how many hunts you need to do in guiding lands to raise the total region level cap to 42, but it's something like 65,000 hunts if not more. Top. Also you get a pretty cool pendant for getting each area to level 7 and the chance for catching those rare Molly varients. Level each individual Guiding Lands area to level 6 makes new unique monsters spawn there (as listed above) which cannot be encountered anywhere else up to that point. Sure, I honestly don't care either way. 0). Mar 13, 2020 @ 7:38pm fling trainer hahaha #12 < > Showing 1-12 of 12 Each "level" counts as 10000 "points". For This is also a level cap so 3x7+4+2x1= 27. Open comment sort options. I'm a new mh player and only recently I started grinding the guiding lands. 4). Jan 15, 2020 @ 10:55am You need to complete MR49 assigned quest in order to remove your MR cap and unlock new levels. Every time you kill a monster it raises the total level cap a little bit. I remember talk about players leaving theirs open for days at a time and then talk about how some players had total area levels higher than thought possible at the time, etc. Cool stuff, glad to get confirmation on the stuff that was a bit iffy (points cap raise amount being tied to area level x 3). If you have friends you play with, you can always coordinate to fill all the areas. They should have allowed you to raise a regions level to whatever you want as long as your combined total levels are the current cap (27) AND you have at least once leveled that region to Your guiding lands has a total region experience cap. The default cap is 7/7/7/4/1/1, so pick 3 and force the rest to lvl 1. I do this because its easy as hell to First: Make sure it says “Fix Guiding Lands” so you know it’s unfixed Note: There is a new much higher cap on total zone levels so a rank 6 or 7 zone may not degrade until the cap has been reached(I believe it’s like 3 zones at 7 and the rest somewhere between 1-3) Apparently the total level cap is currently 23 (it used to be 18 I think), so you can have 7+7+7+1+1, It’s for when you do something like hunt a monster outside of your normal guiding lands activity and would like to prevent region changes from fucking it up It's more accurate to say that you can have maximum three regions at level 7 at one time when you have zero Guilding Lands XP. Log in to add games to your lists. When leveling areas, just keep in mind the collective sum total level cap. It has been added in a free update for the Iceborne expansion. Last updated 06 June 2024 5:34PM. you can have 7,7,2,1). Every ~400 T3 tempered hunts in Guiding Lands raises the total level cap by 1. Vale or forst region last. That's why when you lower a level 7 region, for example, by 1 level, you'll see that it doesn't bring the bar down to exactly level 6 (or level 6. Your guiding lands maximum zone level will be capped until you reach certain MR level requirements which will unlock quests you can do to uncap your guiding lands level and MR level (all the way up to MR99, which is when you'll get the final quest to hunt Ruiner Nergigante and finally get guiding lands lvl 7 unlocked). Mar 13, 2020 @ 4:11pm It 1 at 4, rest at 1. You can technically raise the level cap by hunting tempered elders, but it's extremely, extremely slow. So I have noticed the feature to adjust levels of your guiding lands regions. Killing tempered elder dragons in the guiding lands (not sure if investigation temp. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. The Guiding Lands region is exclusive to the Guiding Lands has max amount of total regions level that you can have. If I lure him he is tempered and drops the What master Rank are you or what are the levels of the other regions if you aren't above a certain master rank there are region caps on the Guiding lands and you can only have a total of 24 region points spread between all regions before it caps out if your Mr 100+ I believe By default you can have three regions at 7, one region at 4, and the remaining regions at 1, for a total of 27 levels. given how your save data is saving your guiding lands total exp count. You can increase the Guiding Lands region level cap by completing assigned Master Rank quests that are unlocked when you reach certain Master Rank thresholds. #2. So it’s possible, but very grindy to level up all regions to level 7. I'm aware that by default, you are allowed a total of 27 of 42 levels (once all 6 areas are there). Before Rajang, I believe it was 17 (i. 10k points raises the level cap by 1 level, so after 150k points, 476 monsters in any level 7 region will raise your cap 1 level. For every monster you hunt in the guiding lands, your total exp cap increases by 3 * level-of-area-monster-spawned-in. The base tables for each area are virtually identical, they just change to the area's I finally found an SOS guiding lands with a level 6 rotten zone but the leader didn’t have any lures. With Rajang and the Volcano, it increased to 23, making it possible to have 3 lvl 7 at the same time. This happens dynamically so you'll Hunt one thing in the Wildspire section and it’ll suddenly be the next level up, as an example. The only positive for the cap is to get people to interact with each other via the guiding lands which I will admit, I've had some very fun and solid interactions because of the cap. But since the update that added Alatreon, the devs gave the elder melder a new type of alchemy in which you can use materials from the guiding lands to create lures for any monster you want. About 476 monsters killed in a level 7 area to increase your total level cap by 1. EDIT: Guild card shows 687 Also, everyone gets 21 total levels into their guiding lands base. Monster that appear on all areas will not be helpful though. Force 3 regions down to lvl 1, then push the rest to lvl 7. Extreme grinding will increase the cap, don't expect results in less than 100 hours of grind. Firstly drop/lower all unwanted regions by NOT killing monsters that share those regions. Every region in the endgame area of Iceborne, the Guiding Lands, has its own level, which can be increased or lowered by hunting specific monsters. Without the mod, you can have two regions at max lv 7. 476 monsters in any level 7 region will raise your cap 1 level. Anyone who has all lv7 is 99. The default limit is 7/7/7/4/1/1, pick 3 zones to max out and force the rest down to lvl 1. You can choose to manually lower the region level of a Guiding Lands region by accessing: Quest Board or Quest Counter > Guiding Lands > Adjust Region Levels. [3 exp] x [region level it spawned it], and you need something crazy like 10K exp to get an additional available region level. There are unique number stats saved just after all your areas exp From datamining, the game saved two unique number stat sets just after all your guiding lands level stats. Once you have Volcanic + As the Guiding Lands Exp gain is given to all players, having 4 players doing the same strategy ensures a faster Guiding Land level grind. For example, you can only get a region up to Level 5 if you're in the Master Rank gain = 3 x level of region it does NOT matter what you hunt (Great Girros and Tempered Deviljho both give 3 x level of region, or 21 points) so if your region is level 7, it will always increase by 21 points no matter what you hunt. Advisable to run geologist 1 for potentially double mats in guiding lands, I haven’t but supposedly works on dropped materials. Unlock The Guiding Lands. I don't mind having to do it once (or my case twice), but all I can find is mods that unlock everything for free or increase the amount of loot you get from there. 2. Also how do you know how much Exp you get? Is there a way? I'm tired of recalibrating my G. This will unlock all Region caps to level 6. 15 levels are needed to get every region to lvl 7, so you need 150 000 Normal level cap is (7 7 7 4 1 1). Having all 6 regions at level 7 will require (15 levels) * 10,000 points / (37 points) = 7143 monsters in level 7 regions, which is why it's an unrealistic goal. I've been leveling up Guiding Lands for a little while now, trying to get Volcanic and Tundra to Level 7, and was wondering if different monsters would give more exp for leveling up a region. New. Conditions: MR 99 or higher, and total level across all regions in The Guiding Lands must be at least level 12. Each "zone" sharing unique material's and monsters. The total amount of levels you can distribute across the regions is capped though. So there are two possibilities I can think of: The game tries to add xp first, fails since you are capped, and then removes xp afterward like it normally would since you are This quest popped a few hunts after the previous uncap mission for me, and I'm sorry but I don't know what exactly triggered it. I have Forest - Wildspire - Rotted as level 7. Those 3 areas are the most important ones as i recall according to materials needed for augments i like. Old. It is possible to increase the total level cap, An analysis on how Guiding Lands level cap and experience works Monster Hunter: World PlayStation 4 . Guiding lands is a new arena consisting of a mix of the 4 main areas. It's just absurd to do 3 points, and expect 10,000 per level. I'm honestly very confused. Level: Master There’s a soft cap on the total number of guiding lands levels a player can unlock. Equip at least 1 level of Geologist on your armor. Once you hit the cap all of your gains are zero-sum, Gain 60 points in 1, and the other 3 lose 20 each. On guiding lands cap, I mean on the subject of "raising all regions to level 7 simultaneously". Coral - Volcanic - Tundra is best to have level 7. But, this doesn't seem to be how it works for me. For example, would a Seething Bazelgeuse give more exp than a Lavasioth in the Volcanic Region, seeing as the Bazel starts spawning at a higher level. So what reason would we have to want to I read online that the maximum amount of levels for guiding lands would be 23 (7-7-7-1-1). The Guiding Lands (Japanese 導きの地) is a mysterious area first introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. But the XP toward total region level cap is not affected. Instead, it brings it to level 6 with the bar partially filled (such as level 6. Someone posted something saying it would take 2000 Velkana kills to get the cap high enough for all regions to hit 7's, for example. Every few hundred tempered elder kills in the guiding lands will add 1 to the No, anytime you kill a monster in the GL, you get points equal to 3x level of the region it spawned in. Mar 12, 2020 @ 3:33am Originally posted by Ragosta tin Dei: My rank is 131, the Level cap in the Guiding Lands is also removed, i'm basically done with every single storyline. Run Ha. About guiding lands level cap increase Monster Hunter: World PlayStation 4 . Grab geologist 1. Also as someone said get your GL to a Normally as you hunt in the GL you’ll be raising the level of the place you hunt in and lowering the others. Guiding Lands level is locked behind MR at 49, 69 and another which I don't remember (80 or 89 I think, not sure). There's also the region softcap that you have to take into account, your total GL levels cannot practically exceed a certain amount depending on how many other Regions you've unlocked via Special Assignments. Notify me about new: Guides. You'd get straight 7's and just farm whichever monster you The region level is the multiplier so a max region level of 7 will grant you 21 points per kill or capture because the math is 7 (region level) x 3 (monster value) = 21 total points. Trap Monster Hunter World Iceborne has 2 Guiding Lands Camp Locations. each monster gets you about 3 quarters of a region level. Best. Reply reply Guiding Lands Level Up - Doubt im trying to level the guiding lands yet the moment one goes up a level another region goes down, so 27 levels in total. Since you can only have so many GL areas at level 7, and you need to balance them They added the level changer option, but only let you decrease levels. Use safi ice weapons and armor. Keep grinding there and the Use Guild Card, page 7 Guiding Lands Region Info to check existing Lv7 buffer. A wallbang guarantees shiny drops. The total level between all area is like 27/8, and way region can go beyond 7 that you can check you guild card for the actual level. heres my question if the 777411 is normal then in theory be possible to do 744444? i have currently 733443 and even though i fight the devil, banbaro, nerg, ebony, rajang, etc. people found out that the region level cap was actually tied to a hidden point system and, apparently, Velkhana rewards you In theory you can raise the total cap by 1 by slaying a lot of EDs in GL, but I do mean a lot. I read online that you had to get an area to level 5 in the guiding lands. Every monster part break is free points for extra progress. This gives you access to meld materials for every guiding lands monsters (regular and tempered) at the melder apart from elder dragon parts. Description: Reworks the Guiding (Grinding) Lands Mining and Gathering Tables. Right now you can only have a total of 18 levels. So "Agitator" skill is The Guiding Lands is a large area filled with a vast number of materials and monsters that drop unique items necessary for end-game weapon augments (R10-R12). I think as soon as you can unlock all regions and reach level 7 you have 24 levels, which is why you’ll generally see players with 3 maxed regions with the rest at level 1 (7/7/7/1/1/1 splits). So my guiding lands are: Coral: 3 Desert: 7 Forest: 5 Rotten: 3-----Total: 18 Right now I need regular Tobi materials and I am locked out of being able to lure him. So slaying is 60 points, 4 tracks is 60 points. Afaik, the total GL level (on console) is 30, so would it be possible to get every region to level 5 and just have a healthy amount of monsters from Hunt around 5800 Velkhanas in the Guiding Lands to raise your cap to the point where you can have everything at 7. the levels seem to have stopped going up? the 3 zones that are 3 are I've searched high and low for a mod that removes the overall level cap for the guiding lands so I can level up all regions to level 7. There are unique number stats saved just after all your areas exp From datamining, the I've tried looking for SoS in guiding lands with Coral Region around level 2-4 but it seems like only 1 out of every 10 Guiding lands I enter has a Legiana, No they are not. Games. This was Guiding lands has a total level cap, maxing one means losing another. If players could just level every biome to 7, there wouldn't be much to grind for, in the eyes of the developers. After 3500 hours (total game hours, not sure how many in GL) I was able to max out an extra region (7 7 7 7 1 1). For the monster stuff, guiding lands has a total level cap. You can't meld the lower ones until you actually get one of them. Tier 7 is super important and As you are doing regular optionals or investigations, check your guiding lands after each one as the monsters in it will rotate after each quest. How to Increase Region Levels. Tundra is a new area in the Guiding Lands in Monster Hunter World. PC Xbox One. The nice thing about that is that the monster doesn't matter, As a note, while each locale has an individual level cap of 7 at MR100, The Guiding Lands itself has a total level cap somewhere around 21. The higher levels unlock better monsters even some exclusives that are only available in those regions in guiding lands, not outside of guiding lands. Original upload 09 June Youve reached the guiding lands softcap. So I'm wondering in what scenario would someone want to decrease the level of a zone. 190 etc. Guiding lands pretty much has nothing until lvl 7 unlocks. And if Ok i could be wrong but I'm pretty sure there could be level caps for regions that require some form of story/special assignment progression but that is beyond The Guiding Lands are supposed to be a freeform thing. Guiding lands all at lvl 5! Hi monster hunters , I have heard that when you level up a region in the GL , the other region goes down well not for me !! I am RM 61 and wildspire at lvl 5. The party leader can also adjust region levels even after arriving within Along the way at MR49, MR69 you hit soft caps that give a new story assignment each and allow you to level up the Guiding Lands further. Go get 'em, Hunter! (Completing this quest unlocks the MR cap limit) Objective. You can do AT Namielle while you're at it. I contacted a friend who had the necessary lure and zone level. You can slowly lift this cap (very, very slowly) by hunting monsters, but as a rule of thumb the cap is 3 regions at maximum level with some extra wiggle room for an extra region. That way, it's 429 for T3s, or else 714 for lesser monsters. So it's either 21 or 35 for a L7 region monster. Question Alright if my max level cap is 5 and I'm level 5 will the bar still go over to level 6 and show up when I in cap it? Asking because when my cap was 4 and I uncapped it I was level 5 with like 1/3 of the level 5 bar Share The Region Levels in the Guiding Lands are locked behind your Master Rank levels. It is possible to increase the total level cap, but it takes hundreds of hours of effort. Actually, I think what you see in the guild card is how much are you loosing from 7 before going back to 6. Fight tempered namielle in coral and zinogre, both in guiding lands to get weapon health augments. T3s should get 5x per level. So this means 21 Each time you hunt a monster in the guiding lands, you get 3 x region level as points (so a level 7 region spawn nets 21 points). 10,000 divided by 21 is 476. I couldn’t join his guiding lands because I had not yet unlocked the volcano area. They have to fully load into the guiding lands before they can be joined though. But I can sure about 1 thing that is valid possible to increase area level total caps, up to the point where you can have all area at level 7. There's a total level cap you can have, and it counts midlevel experience towards that too. it is exaggerated but there is some truth to it. As you Region Either cheat or spend a thousand hours farming threat 3 tempered monsters in the guiding lands to raise your xp cap. Essentially, a final destination hunters strive to reach for high-power materials and liberty of hunts. fight alatreon. 1. And each zone has different levels in the guiding lands. Guiding lands XP basically functions to lift a hidden cap on your region levels. Does this mean that killing and carving is more important in Guiding Lands and the proper way to hunt? I have read all of the loading screen hints/info about 1000 times and this is the only one I have seen which specifically says "carving" a monster, excluding the term "hunt" and "capture". It seems to just be there to make IB more grindy. Killing T3 monsters raises your max level cap very very slowly. With the Anja/Legi report, Anja is threat1, Legi is threat2. This can be very easily seen in OP image: the menu on the left is the list of skills activated among with their level. You can't really fully skip the Guiding Lands as the MR unlocking cap quests at 49, 69, and 99 have an additional requirement of leveling up regions to a certain total. Questions. There's a Guiding Lands section in the Hunter's Notes that tells you what monsters spawn in each level of a region, once you get a region to that level. Controversial. Even though a region is at level 7, the level bar actually continues to increase beyond level 7 in the background. Each level is 10,000 points. So, something I just wanted to ask if anyone knows from having raised guiding lands level caps, but does fixing your region level still let you raise your regions' level cap by hunting monsters? I figured that it does, but now that i'm back and helping a lot of people, I started wondering if I can actually raise a 4th region to lv7 yet. Any input is appreciated. Reply reply so ive heard /read that the guiding lands can get 777411 in it total without mods and 777777 is by elder dragon farming. So by deleveling the ones you don't want anymore you can worry How in lords name do you break MR 99 cap Question I’ve looked up everything and the closest answer I got was level an area in G lands to 6. This means I have to join his lower rank Guiding land and all of my tasty lures are no longer available. You can lower the level at any time by talking to the handler, but you can't raise it by talking to the handler. By default, you can have 7/7/7/4/1/1. Monster Hunter: World close Clear game filter. Even with all my base mhw kills, I still wouldn't have enough monsters hunted to reach guiding lands level max cap. The lower person can always host it and have the higher person join, but you can't do it the other way if their cap is higher. The Guiding Lands is a collection of biomes wherein you will be asked to gather Ore Deposits, Bonepiles and gather materials in these Regions. Level According to the requirements, I reach MR 99 and have the total of the Guiding Lands levels in 12 (All six regions in 2). If you’re sitting at the cap for total levels distributed between zones, it’ll need to pull experience from every other zone to continue The scarcest material is great spiritvein gems, you’ll need those from tempered gold and silver, temp jho, tempered elders, and tempered thundermonkey. Hello I'm here to apply for a mod that I hope is possible: Prevent the Guiding Lands level from decreasing, or at least reduce the level reduction It's as simple as that, I hope a modder will have the time and the desire to create something like that! :) Thanks for reading :) How to Unlock Gold Rathian. Cheats. eventually raising the total exp cap by 1 for like every couple hundred kills. I grinded that today and still nothing, what am i doing wrong am I stupid? I think you need a total guiding land level of 12 IIRC the total lvl of al your regions is 24, I usually have 3 lvl 7 and 3 lvl 1. I am well over 100. Your cap For the monster stuff, guiding lands has a total level cap. There is a fixed sum total of level (for all areas) that is true all the time. Your total guiding lands level can only be a little more than half of your current maximum (so at mr100 with all regions unlocked the max would be 7/7/7/4/1/1 or a total of 27 levels spread as you wish) It is possible to fight past this cap but as youve discovered it is very slow going. Feels like a bug. If the areas are different levels but your caps are the same, you are fine to join. Unfortunately neither of us got it at all so I started to research to see if there were any further requirements. You not only unlock max lvl cap from 6 to 7 but also unlock total level cap to 18. Next the important would be the water area. #1. Concentrate on area you want only when you are near the cap and get the handler to lower regions you don't want. Now, 10000/21 = just over 476. And this means it takes about 476 monsters hunted to be allowed one more level to your guiding lands area level Show everyone what you're capable of! (Completing this quest unlocks the MR cap limit) Objective. Also is the a way to see what your current cap is? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A These points increase the maximum total levels you can have in your guiding lands (starts at the equivalent of three regions level 7, a fourth level 4, and the remaining two level 1), you need 10k points to increase it by one level. With how fast the Guiding Lands level up now, it's possible to just miss a monster at a lower level. e. Sort by: Best. You increase your maximum points cap by 3 * (level of area monster spawned). Elds count) VERY slowly raises the cap, but it takes something crazy like 2,000+ kills to be able to get all lv7. That was stupid. Tempered Threat level 3 monsters give more points than other monsters but you need to kill about 400 tempered threat level 3 No more rise and fall of the Guiding Lands level? I honestly just want to max all regions because it's a pain to try to find a stable connection to someone's Guiding Lands. In total, this gives 32 different materials to collect. But now that the Volcanic area has been added, it probably has been increased. The least amount of exp needed to level a region to lv7 is 60k and currently the exp cap is 180k plus three points for every monster that you take down after MR 100 in GL Just saw a player with 3 guiding land areas that are level 7, anyone got a guide on this? I can barely keep my level 7 area level 7. A Single 30 Minute Session With 4 Players Can Nearly Max Your Region. There's a total level cap across all the areas, which means you can't max them all. The best way to level guiding lands is to use lures for monsters that can appear in 2 separate areas that you both want to lvl. After reaching a certain total region level cap, region levels will start to decrease when levelling others. My only friend who is closest to my MR level is only 50. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Kimchi. A single level in geologist allows you to pick up shiny drops twice for most monsters Just an additional heads up, de level zones you don’t need before trying to level the ones you do want further. Just playing in the guiding lands = grinding in this case. Meaning: as soon as you goes from 6 to 7, the bar goes orange and the 7th level is filled to the max istantly. #11. How raising the Guiding Lands level cap works (data mining the PC version) Monster Hunter: World PlayStation 4 . Conditions: MR 69 or higher and having a certain minimum amount of levels across your Guiding lands regions. Pls and ty. If you raise a region's level at that point one of your other regions will go down a level. Rotted level 4 for tempered Odogaron and Radobaan (element augments) I personally have the opposite. Also, I’m not sure how my total level cap would affect how much/quickly I can de-level a region, could you please ELI5? Right now, my regions all add up to 20 when just looking at the numbers alone; this is not taking into account the amount of progress I have towards the Requires stracker nativePC loader found here. Lands all because I need that Lvl 7 max Bone or mine source. Level each individual Guiding Lands area to level 6 makes new unique monsters You'll constantly get the max level drops. So you have 27 levels to play with essentially and these can be spread out in any way. Region levels initially cap out at 4 and will need to be lifted to 5, 6 and finally 7 by finishing the assignments given at Master Rank 49, 69 and 99. Hunt a Tempered Brachydios; Hunt a Tempered Glavenus . There is a maximum amount of total levels/experience you can have spread between all of the zones. 3x Lv7 Guiding Lands Region Info Guild Card I jumped back into MH recently after getting Iceborne in the winter sale. And how much monster should I kill to get to 4 maxed guiding lands level? Nintendo 3DS FC: 4570-8696-0014 Switch: 3622-0621-0339 IGN: Sam Dokkan Battle ID Crystals and bones that are gathered in the Mining Outcrops & Bonepiles in Guiding Lands are materials used for crafting specific armor. If you are under that cap, your areas will just straight gain levels without pulling from other areas. Total Guiding Land Levels . But as you reach the hard cap of 18 levels total, things will delevel ⚖ as much as you level. After reaching the guiding lands, I was extremely disappointed that it didn't just have a standard linear progression, but instead has this level down feature, meaning you can't actually get all your areas to a high level, because others will get levelled down. If I spent any time in the Guiding Lands in the interim, it was to mine, not to hunt, so I'm not sure it's from achieving a specific total level for Guiding Lands zones unless that total is very low. That's over 1,400 monsters to kill in the Guiding Lands. Like others have said, Rajang gives xp for all areas, and since you're capped, they didn't move. 1 lvl needs 477 lvl 7 region hunts. so a couple hours and you'll be there. Example: you have your Coral This means picking the focus of your guiding lands will essentially determine what materials you have immediate access to Thank you. Reply The more point you put in the same skill, the higher the skill level will be (making the bonus stronger). If you are at the max, levelling one zone will pull experience from all other zones. At MR100 you can basically have 18 levels worth of points, though most likely you'll end up with 16-17 region levels and lots of progress towards each. Games . Q&A. Reply reply More replies More replies. Is there is something missing or something I'm doing wrong? Share Sort by: Best. I thought i understood how guiding lands work but now I have a problem. Then using Guild Card, Guiding Lands Region Info as a gauge to only over buffer all lv7 bar by very small percentage. If you want to hunt a monster without changing your region levels, or are happy with your current region levels and don't want them to change for a while, you can Fix As others have said, the soft cap is 28 total level, which is 3 regions lv 7, one lv4, and three lv1. Odogaron is a good one if you want to lvl coral and rotten, silver rath is coral and volcanoe etc. You can max out your guiding lands by killing a couple thousand tempered elder dragons there. So if you need to bring one up, One tip for the Guiding Lands if you don't know already, Increasing the cap by 1 level needs 10,000 points, which means at least 10,000 / (37) = 477 successful hunts. The Guiding Lands is a new location you can unlock after completing the campaign in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. My volcanic region is at the end of level 6 and there's no way I can reach lvl 7. 10k points increase your level cap by one, so 150k points or 7143 lvl 7 monsters killed will Your guiding lands has a "total exp cap". You will start to notice the level cap after having half your regions at max + a little more(at MR 100 with Volcanic and Tundra region the cap will be at 7/7/7/4/1/1 max levels spread through the hunters regions). Also IIRC, make sure to only fight in a specific region (where outcrops spawns), instead of mixed region (intersections among 2 specific regions), because mixed region gives exp to multiple regions at once. Iirc, usually you'll be able to do 7/7/7/4/1/1 without more grinding than is necessary to raise them to those levels. Guiding lands levels with "research progress" everything that yields points is leveling. Each zones possible threats that can spawn is a level by itself. There is a total level cap, so you will never have everything maxed out at the same time. I tend to agree with Cruste in that I hope they remove the level cap. Each Region in the Guiding Lands has a Level associated with it, which will unlock new monsters and tempered monsters as the level rises. Level 7 is needed for tempered elders/T3s for augmenting the best weapons and armor. :D Guiding lands question about the level cap. This area, a mishmash of features from the Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale, Elder's Lower your other regions so that the total level doesn't surpass 27 (or 28 I don't remember). Each kill in the guiding lands you get increases your total level cap exp points by 3 * (area's current level). the nice thing is, these can be 476 monsters you need/want to hunt, and don't have to be T3s so its a lot easier. Every 10 000 level cap exp raises the cap by one level. How to Raise All Guiding Lands Regions to Level 7? Question Share Add a Comment. Free_san posted As for how high you can level zones, when you start off the cap is 4, as your MR increases you gain Assignments that raise your MR cap as well as the cap for GL zones, eventually capping at 7. Everything higher than that requires an ungogly amount of grinding, There's a total exp cap that increases when you hunt elders however it's so minimal that the benefit is usually not worth the time investment. It will let you know when you can't. Lures are great because they allow you to spawn any monster at any time, regardless of the level of the region that monster is from. To increase the maximum The global cap for biomes is 23 at the moment: it means you can have 3 biomes at level 7 and 2 at level 1 at most (7x3+1+1). News. Four regions guiding lands with level 7 Monster Hunter: World PlayStation 4 . sgkq jdudqpr xpk szz vlpg afqn ekuh dltng mecal gasmbopac