

Abscess ppt - With passage of time, the abscess becomes chronic and develops fibrous wall • Microscopy: - Destruction of lung parenchyma Lung abscess is a localized area of lung tissue necrosis and pus formation that can be either primary or secondary. • Also caused by LIVER ABSCESS Occurs when bacteria/protozoa destroy hepatic tissue, produces a cavity which fills up with infective organisms, liquefied cells & leucocytes. Specific Treatment • The treatment options for renal abscess are intravenous antibiotics. 3. Risk factors include diabetes, underlying liver or pancreatic diseases, immunosuppression, and regular use of proton pump Initial swelling, erythema, tenderness with progression to fluctuance, and abscess formation are typical. Admitted to ward ABSCESS •Malaise (General indications for •Breast tenderness •CRP admission -obvious sepsis or •Swelling and hemodynamic compromise, erythema •Diagnostic needle immunocompromise •Decreased milk aspiration drainage 4. The document outlines the epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis through imaging and labs, differential diagnosis, and management A peritonsillar abscess is a collection of pus between the tonsillar capsule and surrounding tissues, usually developing after an acute tonsillar infection progresses to a local infection and abscess. It appears on If it is filled with pus, it is called an ABSCESS. Key points include: - Anorectal abscesses typically present with perianal pain, swelling, and drainage and are usually caused by a cryptoglandular infection. History Hippocrates – Purulent otorrhea and delerium The first successful operation for brain abscess - S. It provides information on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, examination Pyogenic and amebic liver abscesses can develop from a variety of causes. A liver abscess is a pus-filled mass inside or attached to the liver. 8 2. It occurs when infected pancreatic necrosis forms a localized pus collection surrounded by a capsule. Content: Definition Etiology and pathogenesis Morphology Clinical Features Diagnostic findings Prevention Management Read less. The abscess may contain thick, bad smelling pus or reddish-brown anchovy paste-like fluid with no odor. Peritonsillar abscess (Quinsy) is most commonly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, S. Risk factors include diabetes, liver transplants, and immunosuppression. Lung abscess is a necrotic pulmonary infection that forms cavities containing fluid or debris. Imaging like CT scans are useful for evaluating these conditions. Quinsy, also known as peritonsillar abscess, is a collection of pus in the space between the tonsil capsule and the superior This document discusses peritonsillar abscess, which is a collection of pus between the tonsillar capsule and surrounding tissues that can develop after a tonsillar infection progresses to a local cellulitis and abscess. Common causes include trauma, bacterial invasion of dead pulp tissue from caries, or a failed root canal treatment. There are several types classified by location, including gingival, periodontal, and pericoronal abscesses. aureus, and anaerobes and presents with high fever, severe throat pain, difficulty swallowing, and muffled speech. Psoas abscess can be primary (from hematogenous spread) or secondary (from infection of adjacent organs). Ultrasound or CT imaging are used to identify abscesses, which appear as hypoechoic or low attenuation areas on scans. B. Longitudinal gray-scale sonogram of left kidney shows well-defined hypoechoic mass (arrow) near mid region of kidney. It defines the perinephric space as the area surrounding the kidney that contains fat, vessels and lymphatics. Pallor+. They • Download as PPT, PDF TREATMENTTREATMENT • An abscess (or suspected abscess) in the breast may be treated by ultrasound- guided fine-needle aspiration (percutaneous aspiration) or by surgical incision and drainage; each of these approaches is performed under antibiotic coverage. Download ppt "Retropharyngeal Abscess" Similar presentations This document discusses empyema, which is an accumulation of thick, purulent fluid in the pleural space caused by bacterial pneumonia, lung abscess, chest trauma, or surgery. Risk factors include periodontal disease, impaired swallowing, and conditions causing altered This document discusses the treatment of intra-abdominal abscesses, specifically liver abscesses. It mostly occurs due to untreated cavity for prolonged time. Risk factors for secondary abscess include trauma and Intra abdominal abscess Usually results from localization of peritonitis Site and frequency determined by source of contamination, mesenteric partitions and peritoneal recesses, gravity and intra-peritoneal pressure gradients Appendicitis . Liver abscesses can be pyogenic (caused by bacteria), amoebic (caused by Entamoeba histolytica), or fungal. Symptoms include fever, right upper quadrant pain, and referred shoulder pain. - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Symptoms include fever, chills, loin pain, and abdominal pain. History The first surgery for brain abscess was performed by French surgeon S. Prevention To get breast-feeding relationship with infant off to its best start — and to avoid complications such as mastitis — consider meeting with a lactation consultant. Tongue piercing causes brain abscess 13 December 2001 New Scientist Parents now have another reason to frown on tongue piercing - a potentially fatal brain abscess suffered by a young woman in Connecticut. Abscess- The Complications • Pain • Chronic, non-healing ulcer • Tissue death (necrosis), or gangrene (may lead to amputation On Slidesfinder you get presentations from our huge library of professional ppt presentations. R. Primary lung abscesses usually develop from aspiration of infected material and are often single and large, located in the lower right lung lobe. intermedia 1. It is generally caused by aspiration of anaerobic bacteria. Risk factors include diabetes, spinal surgery/trauma, IV drug use, and immunosuppression. This document discusses different types of abscesses related to the pharynx, including peritonsillar abscesses (quinsy), retropharyngeal abscesses, and parapharyngeal abscesses. Orbital cellulitis- Introduction • “An ENT disease with an ophthalmic manifestation” • Orbital cellulitis (OC) is an inflammatory process that involves the tissues located posterior to the orbital septum within the bony 1. etc. On contrast (c and d) there is heterogenous enhancement with hypointense center and • Download as PPT, PDF • 20 likes • 7,354 views. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron_right. CONTENTS Submandibular Salivary Gland Proximal portion of Wharton’s Duct Submandibular Lymph Nodes Facial Artery & its branches- Palatine, Tonsillar, Glandular, Submental Lingual Nerve Hypoglossal Nerve Facial Vein This document discusses renal abscesses, including defining it as a collection of pus around the kidney caused by infection. com on different presentation topics. Conservative management includes medicines and procedures to prevent suppuration. The patient was diagnosed with pyogenic liver abscess and treated with intravenous antibiotics and drainage This document discusses psoas abscess, which is a collection of pus in the iliopsoas compartment. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum that can be primary, secondary, or tertiary. • Gross: -Abscesses may be of variable size. - Poorly defined ragged wall. Risk factors include biliary tract Lung Abscess - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. • The tumour usually has an irregular outline and scalloped interior, possibly with an uneven fluid level. It’s a localized infection with collection of bus in a cavity Many microrganisms may be pyogenic in action and may cause abscess Like staph. The abscess cavity is opened, locules are broken up, and the cavity is irrigated and may be packed or drained. On examination, he was found to have an ischiorectal abscess, which was drained surgically. The abscess can also be drained by serial percutaneous needle aspiration under ultrasound guidance. Evaluating conservative treatment for acute appendicitis with lump formation Ajaz Ahmad Malik, Mohd An abscess usually requires surgical drainage. Intramammary abscesses are common in lactating women and result from factors like cracked nipples. Abscesses larger than 5mm in accessible areas are indications for the procedure. This presentation discusses the diagnosis and management of anorectal abscesses. On physical exam in the lithotomy position, there is 24. Pathology: The protozoa passes from the colonic lesion via the portal vein into the liver, usually into the upper and posterior portions of right lobe Liver infection begins with intrahepatic portal thrombosis and infarction, the cytolytic activity starts and leads to The document discusses various deep neck spaces including the parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal spaces. This pus-filled cavity is Lung abscess (abscessus pulmonis) Definition: Lung abscess is a localized area of suppuration and cavitation in the lung being usually a result of bacterial infection or less frequently having other etiology such as viral, mycotic or Pyogenic liver abscesses are rare in children, with 50% occurring in children under 6 years old. Neurosurgery Vajira Follow. • These may include right upper quadrant pain and fever. Diagnosis involves chest x-ray or CT scan to identify lung This document discusses acute apical abscess, which is a severe localized inflammatory condition characterized by the formation of pus around the apex of a tooth. If left untreated can affect the 13. Percutaneous drainage may be useful at least initially, in those patients who are unstable or Thrombophlebitis originating in the mucosal veins progressively involves the emissary veins of the skull, the dural venous sinuses, the subdural veins, and, – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow. It could lead to complications due to bacteremia that may cause infection at distant locations. A MEDICAL STUDENT Follow. RENAL CYST A renal cyst is a fluid collection in the kidney. Diagnosis Symptoms alone are not a good predictor , and clinical diagnosis alone is difficult Major criteria Minor criteria •cervical motion tenderness and •uterine motion tenderness and •adnexal tenderness •Temperature >38°3 C •Abnormal cervical discharge •Pelvic abscess or inflammatory complex on bimanual examination •Gram stain of the endocervix Nonsurgical Treatment of Appendiceal Abscess or Phlegmon: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Immediate surgery is associated with a higher morbidity compared with nonsurgical treatment 8. Infection of the lung parenchyme consisting of one or more necrotic inflammatory cavities , containing fibropurulent exudates and gaseous materials. • Surgical drainage is commonly done. S. 12. This document provides an overview of periodontal abscesses. By knowing the stage of abscess, surrounding edema, it helps in deciding timing of surgery. A breast abscess is a pocket of pus that forms in the breast, usually caused by a Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection entering through a scratch or tear in the skin or nipple. Clinical features vary depending on the location of the abscess. Common 5. coolboy101pk Follow. Weight 8. Proper management of the abscess is crucial to alleviate pain, establish drainage and control the spread of infection. It defines spinal epidural abscesses as a rare spinal infection that can have catastrophic consequences if not treated early. Amoebic abscess is a complication of amoebic dysentry which is caused by entamoeba histolytica. Petros Vlastarakos. Larger abscesses will require incision to drain them, as the increased inflammation, • Download as PPT, PDF • 108 likes • 40,366 views. According to ONSET AND COURSE OF LESION Acute Periodontal Abscess • Appears during a short period of time; within days or a week • Clinical picture : as a bright red ovoid elevation of the gingiva, relatively This document discusses pulmonary abscesses in children. • The incidence of liver abscess increases with age, This document provides information on liver abscesses, including their classification, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. Splenic Abscess: Etiology, clinical spectrum and Therapy 40 successful percutaneous drainage in contrast, micro abscesses, as well as complex, phlegm nous or multilocular processes and those with thick fluid, tend to fare more poorly with this approach[2]. Imaging revealed multiple rim-enhancing lesions in the liver consistent with pyogenic liver abscesses. Risk factors include traveling to infection-common areas, older age, medical conditions 6. Give your memorable abscess presentation and build your crawd. Liver abscess A liver abscess is a collection of pus in the liver caused by bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Symptoms include severe • Download as PPT, PDF • 198 likes • 143,494 views. Free Download Powerpoint Presentation slides from slidesfinder. This barrier can be breached through the crypts of Morgagni, which can penetrate through the internal sphincter • Download as PPT, PDF • 142 likes • 33,332 views. View,Download and Upload PowerPoint Presentations for free. Encourage injecting into sites far from the abscess area (at least 12 inches away from the abscess site) till the abscess is healed 2. It defines a periodontal abscess as a localized collection of pus within the periodontal tissues. Bacterial spinal epidural abscess review of 43 cases and literature survey. It is usually caused by aspiration or infection traveling via the bloodstream. 32. coli, and risk factors as diabetes, pregnancy, elderly age, and autoimmune diseases. Breast abscesses can be classified as subareolar, intramammary, or retromammary. PYOGENIC LIVER ABSCESS HISTORY. Deeper infections can involve the nailbed, pulp space, and bone, producing nailbed destruction, felon, or osteomyelitis Clinical presentation Lung abscess or pulmonary abscess is a local suppurative process within the lung. LIVER ABSCESS. Subareolar abscesses result from infected glands of Montgomery or furuncles of the areola. 1. Lung abscess is a type of liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2 cm) containing necrotic debris or fluid • Download as PPT, PDF An abscess of the periodontium is a localized collection of pus within the gingival tissues or periodontal pocket caused by an infectious process. Diagnosis involves blood tests, imaging like CT or ultrasound, and Malignant abscesses • Usually result secondary to accumulation of septic material in necrotized vacuoles in a solid tumour. F. Liver - most subject to abscess formation Solitary or multiple Arise from hematogenous spread of bacteria local spread from contiguous sites of infection within the peritoneal cavity Most common source- associated disease of the biliary tract. Spontaneous decompression can occur, including tracking beneath the nail plate (subungual abscess). They are caused by bacteria like MRSA or parasites This document discusses cold abscesses, which are collections of pus that develop as a result of tuberculosis infection elsewhere in the body, most commonly the lymph nodes or bones. 7. CLASSIFICATION I) Depending on the location of the abscess (Gillette and Van House-1980, AhI et al 1986) Gingival Abscess – localized painful swelling affecting only the marginal and interdental gingiva Mainly due to impaction of foreign objects May be present on a previously healthy gingiva Periodontal Abscess – with similar symptoms, usually affect deeper spinal epidural abscess is detected in about 60 of patients 3 ; 1- Darouiche RO, Hamill RJ, Greenberg SB, Weathers SW, Musher DM. Follow up C. Described since the time of Hippocrates (4000 BC). Find your best ppt presentation from This document discusses abscesses, including: 1. Pyogenic abscesses result from bacterial infections and can develop from cellulitis or lymphadenitis. Tenderness: The breast tissue surrounding the abscess is often tender and sensitive to touch. An anorectal abscess is a collection of pus that builds up in the rectum and anus. It can be caused by lung infections like pneumonia or tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, bronchial compression by tumors or lymph nodes, impaired mucociliary clearance in conditions like Kartagener's syndrome, or immunodeficiencies. With prompt treatment, client with this condition usually recover very well. Soft tissue lateral radiography of the neck showed thickened prevertebral tissues opposite C2 to C4. Mouth abscess is a danger sign Lung abscess is a collection of pus within the lungs caused by aspiration or infection, usually by anaerobic bacteria. We believe in making your search INFORMATIVE and FUN. " Similar presentations . 2 TYPES -PYOGENIC -AMOEBIC. Retropharyngeal abscesses require prompt treatment with • Treatment for a symptomatic cyst or abscess of the • Bartholin gland by both Word catheter and marsupialisation • resulted in similar 1-year recurrence rates. Complications can include insufficient pain relief or Periodontal abscess is the third most prevalent emergency infection after acute alveolar abscess and pericoronitis. Sung Chul Hwang, M. It is caused by vitiation of doshas in the tissues, causing severe swelling. Common causes include various aerobic and anaerobic bacteria as well as fungal parasites. com - id: 3cf578-NWQ3M A lung abscess is a localized cavity filled with pus in the lung, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Common organisms include Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Patients present with fever, right upper quadrant pain, hepatomegaly, and diarrhea in some 3. Pleuritic chest pain, especially with coughing is common because the abscess is near to the pleura. 16. TypesThere are three major forms of liver abscess, classified by etiology:Pyogenicliver abscess, which is most often polymicrobial, accounts for 80% of hepatic abscess cases in the United States. It is most commonly caused by a cryptoglandular infection due to obstruction of the anal 3 Skin and Soft Tissue Infection (SSTI) Collections of pus/debris within the dermis and deeper skin tissues Prior abrasion, bug bites, diaper rash, epidermal barrier breakdown Inflammatory response Most common manifestation is abscess Third-highest, non-cardiac, surgical cost driver at TCH in 2011 behind ECMO and appendicitis 2 months- 3 years old Operative treatment of The document discusses acute alveolar abscess, which is an inflammatory reaction caused by pulpal infection and necrosis. TOAs are serious complications of pelvic inflammatory disease that commonly affect reproductive-aged females. Pyogenic abscesses are usually polymicrobial and result from bacterial infection spreading to the liver via the bloodstream or adjacent organs. Management involves intravenous antibiotics, incision and drainage of abscesses, and tracheostomy if needed A tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) • A tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is an inflammatory mass involving the fallopian tube, ovary and, occasionally, other adjacent pelvic organs (eg, bowel, bladder). by Dr. 12/8/2018 5Dr wael Naeem Benha university Abscess. It begins with the case of a 28-year-old male presenting with a swelling in his right buttock. • Cold abscess comes from the Gothic word "kalds" meaning "cold" and the Latin word “abscessus” meaning “ going away. Common causes include ear, dental, sinus, or lung infections. Occurs when bacteria/protozoa destroy hepatic tissue, produces a cavity which fills up with infective organisms, liquefied cells & leucocytes. Read less Dental abscess is a localised collection of pus in a particular infected region. Amoebic liver abscess due to Entamoebahistolytica accounts for 10% of cases. DEFINITION: Lung abscess: A localized cavity with pus, resulting from necrosis of lung tissue, with surrounding pneumonitis. Symptoms: Localized Pain: Breast abscesses typically cause localized pain, which may be severe and throbbing in nature. It may also occurs due to periodontal diseases(gum disease). Introduction: Liver Abscess • A liver abscess is a space-occupying suppurative lesion in the liver resulting from the invasion of microorganisms entering directly from an injury, through the blood vessels, or through the bile ducts. CT Findings in This document provides information about brain abscesses: 1. Symptoms include cough with foul smelling sputum, chest pain, fever, and dyspnea. Medicine (Baltimore) 1992 ; 2- Soehle M, Wallenfang T. • Local examination- 5*6cm swelling seen in the left sided anterior neck region, extending up to thyroid cartilage superiorly, 1cm above the sterna notch, Just crossing the midline medially, up • Download as PPT, PDF • 53 likes • 20,195 views. Periodontal abscess can occur as a result of a periodontal therapy or a surgery. Fever: Some individuals with • Download as PPT, PDF Lung abscess is a localized infection and necrosis of lung tissue that forms a cavity containing pus. Case Liver Abscess. Benjamin Brodie first described Brodie's abscesses in 1832 as chronic bone abscesses surrounded by dense fibrous tissue and sclerotic bone. J Emerg Trauma Shock. This occurs because there is a This document discusses intra-abdominal infections, including types like peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscesses. • Extremely large abscesses which require extensive incision, debridement, or irrigation; they are best done in Operation room. Epidemiology • 13% of the Intra-abdominal abscess • 48% of the all visceral abscess • 8 to 20 cases per 100,000 hospital admissions in the US and the UK • Amoebiasis (and subsequent amoebic liver abscess) in developed countries is seen most commonly in immigrants and travellers from endemic areas. Simple and Complex renal Cysts. 2 × 22. “ Pyogenic Disease of the Brain and Spinal Cord, Meningitis, Abscess of the Brain, 4. It most commonly occurs in individuals with compromised immune systems. Diagnosis involves neurological examination, imaging tests and This document summarizes several studies on the use of antibiotics for abscess management. This is the preferred imaging modality in adolescents, and is applicable in neonates with suspected breast infection. 8 mm displacing the conus and cauda (a and b). Consent, time out ; 2. Sitanshu Barik Follow. Swelling and Redness: The affected area of the breast may appear swollen, red, and warm to the touch. Case Reports in Medicine, 2011. The document discusses lung abscess, including its anatomy, causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic evaluations, and management. There may be need to cover Abscess- The complications Abscess may progress to an open wound called an ulcer Contd. INJURIES TO THE GENITOURINARY TRACT. T. They are most common in children, usually boys, resulting from incomplete resolution of acute osteomyelitis that is isolated 8. This document discusses brain abscess, cranial subdural empyema, and epidural abscess. Read more. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow. 25. • Deep abscesses in very sensitive areas - supralevator, ischiorectal, perirectal - • Download as PPT, PDF • 92 likes • 23,722 views. According to Lippincott 5. • Periapical abscess is the most common of all the abscesses & usually seen associated with non-vital tooth. It describes parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal abscesses, including their etiology, clinical features, investigations, and surgical treatment which involves securing the airway followed by either a transoral or transcervical approach to drain the 5 36-year-old man with left renal abscess 36-year-old man with left renal abscess. histolytica accounting for 10% of cases, and fungal abscess accounting for less than 10% of cases. Treatment involves incision and drainage of pus, removal of the infecting source, and antibiotics. "Gangrene of the lung" denotes a similar though morediffuse and extensive process in which necrosis predominates. 4. It can be primary, from hematogenous spread in immunocompromised patients, or secondary from adjacent organ infections • Acute abscess occuring less than 4-6weeks • Chronic abscess longer duration • Primary abscess caused by aspiration or pneumonia • Secondary abscess caused by obstruction, bronchietasis, immuno-compromised state. Symptoms of intra-abdominal abscesses are generally vague but may include low grade fever, tachycardia, and localized tenderness. It is usually the result of aspiration of oropharyngeal or gastric contents but can also LIVER ABSCESS. 26. The incision should be made in the most dependent part of the swelling, parallel to skin lines. Liver Abscess. The document then discusses anorectal abscesses in general, classifying them and Lung Abscess. Submit Search. Treatment involves intravenous antibiotics along with drainage of larger abscesses via needle aspiration or catheter placement. The most common cause is bacterial invasion of the dental 4. It may occur as a single lesion or as multiple lesions of different sizes. 21 Presentation/Origin Retropharyngeal Abscess 50% in pt months of age 96% before 6 years of age In children – fever, irritability, lymphadenopathy, torticollis, poor oral intake, sore throat Download ppt "Deep Neck spaces and Infection" Similar presentations . Common causative agents are streptococci, staphylococci, and various gram-negative bacteria. , srept. This document provides information on the management of liver abscesses. 1 Retropharyngeal Abscess Retropharyngeal Abscess. Erupting teeth (especially partially impacted lower third molars) can result in Lung abscess is a localized area of lung parenchyma destruction greater than 2 cm in diameter caused by pyogenic bacterial infection. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and tenderness of the affected tooth. 8. , corynebacterium pyogenes, E coli . Signs of symptoms There is a sudden onset of indurated, warm, erythematous swelling of the pre- and post- auricular areas, with intense local pain and tenderness. Treatment : Apply warm compresses and soak the boil in warm water. By knowing exact size and multiplicity of abscess, it avoids unnecessary surgery. It discusses the two main types - pyogenic and amebic liver abscesses. Dept. For pyogenic liver abscesses, it outlines the etiology, clinical features, investigations, and treatment options including Vidradhi is a type of abscess described in Ayurveda. Definition. It can lead to a range of symptoms and requires prompt medical attention. Abscesses spread along paths of least Abscess resolve by drainage. Left untreated, the expanding infection causes sensory and motor dysfunction that progresses to paralysis or death. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Originates from an infection arising in the crypto glandular epithelium lining the anal canal The internal anal sphincter normally serves as a barrier to infection passing from the gut lumen to the deep perirectal tissues. Lung Abscess is a localized necrotic lesion of the lung parenchyma containing purulent material that collapses and forms a cavity. It discusses pyogenic and amoebic liver abscesses. 4 × 11. • It is an inflammatory reaction to pulp infection and necrosis characterized by rapid onset , pus formation , spontaneous pain , tenderness on percusion , and eventually swelling of associated tissues. To avoid this complication, talk to your doctor as soon as you develop signs or symptoms of mastitis. It describes subphrenic, pelvic, and perinephric abscesses in more detail. “Pyogenic Disease of the Brain and Spinal Cord, Meningitis, Abscess of the Brain, Infective SinusThrombosis” (1893) - William Macewen – Father of modern day abscess management An anorectal abscess is a collection of pus in the anal or rectal region. Symptoms include pain and difficulty swallowing, and examination shows swelling of the soft palate and tonsillar hypertrophy. 6. Abscess. D. Secondary abscess —occurs as a result of direct spread of infection to the psoas muscle from an adjacent structure. Secondary lung abscesses are usually multiple and small, developing post-pneumonia 1) Amoebic liver abscess is caused by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica infecting the liver via the bloodstream from the intestines. Vinay Bhat Follow. Cerebral Abscess: A Comprehensive Guide Cerebral abscess is a serious condition characterized by a collection of pus in the brain. Using the packing strip, pack the abscess cavity 13 Pack and Dress 14 (No Transcript) 15 Documentation on the Medical Record . There is an expectoration of foul-smelling brown or gray sputum (in anaerobic organisms) or green or yellow sputum If this happens suddenly in large quantities, this denotes a rupture of the abscess cavity into the bronchus and blood streaking is common. of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Ajou University School of Medicine . Periapical abscess: • As the image clearly represents, periapical abscess usually occurs as a result of untreated dental caries that further approaches the pulp & lead to inflammation of pulp due to bacterial invasion. There are two main types: pyogenic (caused by bacteria) and amebic (caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica). It is usually caused by microbial infection following aspiration or pneumonia. It may be caused by infection of an anal fissure, sexually transmitted infections or blocked anal glands. Supralevator Abscess • Anatomic localization of the septic origin - paramount importance • Supralevator collections that result from an upward extension of an intersphincteric abscess should be drained 4. high fevers chills, marked systemic toxicity. • Breast feeding is continued in the uninvolved side. pathophysiology • Lung abscess is a complication of aspiration pneumonia caused by mouth anaerobes. CRITERIA PRESENTATION INV. The woman's tongue became sore and swollen two or three days after it was pierced, and she reported a foul-tasting discharge from the pierced region. Common symptoms include fever, cough, sputum production, and weight loss. In case of puerperal breast abscess, breastfeeding from take culture of abscess contents, swabbing inside the abscess cavity ; 7. It is classified into four categories including acute bacterial, chronic bacterial, Liver abscesses occur when bacteria, protozoa, or fungi infect and destroy hepatic tissue. 2. RESHMA RAJ 2002 BATCH. The main causes are periodontitis, trauma from foreign objects, and certain dental procedures. Occurs when bacteria/protozoa destroy hepatic tissue, produces a cavity which fills 3. pptx), PDF File (. A lung abscess may be putrid (due to anaerobic bacteria) or nonputrid (due to anaerobes or aerobes). Prevalence increases with increasing age and by the age of 70 years almost every person has a simple renal cyst. An epidural abscess threatens the spinal cord by compressing it and impairing blood flow. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause. ppt / . 11. • Download as PPT, PDF Bilateral Peritonsillar Abscesses: A Case Presentation and Review of the Current Literature with regard to the Controversies in Diagnosis and Treatment. UPPER AIRWAY MANAGEMENT: 10. Lung abscess is defined as pus-containing lesions in the lung parenchyma 3. Download ppt "Renal abscess. pptx - Download as a PDF or view online for free The PPT covers topics like introduction/history, There are three main types: pyogenic, pyaemic, and cold abscesses. By knowing the size and position we can know the best approach for the drainage of abscess. Abscesses are diagnosed through history, examination including palpation, and imaging when needed. It defines a lung abscess as a localized collection of thick-walled purulent material within the lung parenchyma caused by infection and tissue destruction. They are typically marked by a single cavity greater than 2cm in diameter. Outpatient • placement of a Word catheter is also well CHRONIC ALVEOLAR ABSCESS: DEFINITION: A chronic alveolar abscess is a long- standing, low grade infection of the periradicular alveolar bone generally symptomless and characterized by the presence of Amebic lung abscess : • Patients who develop an amebic lung abscess often have symptoms • associated with a liver abscess. . Symptoms include breast swelling, pain, 6. (Schiff) • The three major forms of liver abscess, classified by etiology, are as follows: 1. 1890 – Osler documented amoebae in stool and abscess of the same patient. A. Abscess. A 2016 RCT of over 1000 patients found that high-dose Bactrim led to higher cure rates of abscesses over 2cm compared 1. Common causes include infections by anaerobic bacteria, aspiration of foreign materials, and complications from conditions like pneumonia or tumors. - Differential diagnoses depend on associated symptoms and may include hemorrhoids, fistulas, or Crohn's 2. 9. , 14 CARING FOR ABSCESSES 1. General considerations: • Recurrent abscess formation in the same anatomic location often arises from a local defect. C. Acute Apical Abscess • Synonyms : Acute abscess, Acute Dentoalveolar abscess, Acute Periapical Abscess, Acute Radicular Abscess. 27-35 % of individuals greater than 50 years of age may have asymptomatic simple renal cysts. Pyogenic liver abscesses are most commonly located in the right lobe due to blood flow patterns and are usually caused by gram-negative bacteria like E. RLQ and pelvic abscesses Infections of female genital tract. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that can be acute or chronic and is caused by bacterial or non-bacterial factors. Common due to looseness of tissues Inflammatory Edema: Found in conjunctivitis, tarsitis,( infl of gland and lasher ) dacryo-cystitis, ( inflammation of lacrimal sac )orbital cellulitis, ( infl of eye tissue ) drug allergy (atropine). Pathogenesis 2. Pyogenic abscess, which is most often This document discusses perinephric abscesses. Risk factors RETROPHARYNGEAL ABSCESS Retropharyngeal abscess ia an infection of the retropharyngeal space Retropharyngeal space is a potential space posterior to the pharynx and the cervical oesophagus Often presents late, most times in airway obstruction It is life threatening,adequate care and management is needed Mortality and morbidity often follows 15. Peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy, is a collection of pus in the peritonsillar space between the tonsil capsule and superior constrictor muscle, usually caused by acute tonsillitis. In this guide, we will explore the definition, signs and symptoms, etiology, clinical manifestation, management and treatment, nursing care, and 4. 5. 2) Ultrasound is the primary tool for diagnosis and guided aspiration is usually the first treatment, along with antibiotics like metronidazole. txt) or view presentation slides online. Lung Psoas abscess is a collection of pus within the psoas muscle compartment. MANAGEMENT OF LIVER ABSCESS. Periodontitis related abscess Presence of a torturous pocket after cul-de-sac operation can cause abscess. Smaller (lt5mm in diameter) abscesses may resolve to conservative measures (warm soaks) to promote drainage. There are three major forms of liver abscess classified by etiology: pyogenic liver abscess which accounts for 80% of cases, amoebic liver abscess due to E. Intradural – extraIntradural – extra medullar abscessmedullar abscess Magnetic resonance imaging lumbosacral spine showing a T1W isointense lesion intradural extramedullary lesion at D12-L1 level measuring about 11. It outlines that needle aspiration or catheter drainage is appropriate for liver abscesses under 5cm, while larger COMPLICATION: Necrosis of skin Septicaemia Payaemic abscess Cavernous sinus thrombosis. This will decrease the pain and help draw the pus to Case Liver Abscess. Clinical features include severe A brain abscess is a rare, life-threatening infection within the brain tissue that develops from a local or remote infection source. A perinephric abscess can result from a ruptured renal abscess, direct spread from pyelonephritis, or other inflammatory processes outside Gerota's fascia. • After perforation of the liver abscess into the lung, the patient may develop a cough and expectorate a chocolate or anchovy paste–like sputum that has no This document discusses different types of intra-abdominal abscesses including their locations, symptoms, investigations, and management. scans help in confirming the resolution of abscess. Periodontal diseases 4. Pancreatic abscess is a rare but life-threatening complication that can develop 5 weeks after acute pancreatitis. ” This document presents a case study and overview of anorectal abscesses. Liver abscesses are relatively rare but mortality has decreased to 5-30% due to improved diagnostic and treatment methods. • Recurrence risk is about 10 percent. pdf), Text File (. Bronchiectasis is a permanent abnormal dilatation of the bronchi caused by recurrent infection or inflammation. It covers the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, diagnosis, and management of these conditions. Lung abscess is a localized area of lung destruction caused by infection, typically by aspiration of oropharyngeal bacteria. Without treatment, lung abscess was often fatal, but antibiotics have greatly improved An abscess is a collection of pus that has built up within the tissues of the body. Common causative bacteria include F. This ill-appearing 6-year-old child presented with a several-day history of fever, neck pain, sore throat, cough, and headache. -The cavity contains exudate. nucleatum, P. Treatment involves incision and drainage if pus Abscess. Spinal epidural abscesses clinical manifestations, prognostic factors, and outcomes. Morand (France) in 1752 on a temperoethmoidal abscess. • This more recent technique, called percutaneous drainage, has become the more frequent method of drainage. Brain abscesses usually begin as a focal intracranial infection that evolves into a collection of pus surrounded by a capsule. pptx - Download as a PDF or view online for free. • Download as PPT, PDF retropharyngeal abscess, and parapharyngeal abscess. Brain abscesses are typically caused by bacteria spreading 13. Abscesses form via direct extension from bone/soft • Download as PPT, PDF • 47 likes • 16,949 views. This may manifest as a tubo-ovarian complex (an agglutination of those structures) or a collection of pus . Ruth Nwokoma Follow. Temperature-100F, PR-102/min, BP-110/70 mmHg, • Respiratory system and other system within normal limit. Fungal abscess, most often 2. ” • together means “ going away cold. Necrotic tissue then falls off the cavity from rest of the liver. It is characterized by accumulation of pus accompanied by the destruction of lung tissue. Introduction • An Abscess is a collection of liquefied tissue(pus) in the body, which is body’s defense reaction to foreign material. Recurrent Lung abscesses represent necrosis and cavitation of the lung due to microbial infection. Periodontal abscesses are classified based on duration, number, location and etiology. Cold abscesses are called such An anorectal abscess is an infection that originates from an obstructed anal gland, causing pus to collect in surrounding tissue. 2012 Jan-Mar; 5(1): 33–35. EDEMA A swelling eyelid occurs when there is inflammation or excess fluid ( edema) in the connective tissue surrounding the eye. com - id: 3d69d8-OTY2M Lesions and fluid collections like abscesses or hematomas can develop in this space. Abscesses can form in different locations including the skin, lungs, brain, teeth, and kidneys. Occurs when bacteria/protozoa destroy hepatic tissue, produces a cavity which fills View and free download abscess powerpoint (ppt) presentation slides. Bartholin Abscess Presentation A woman complains of vulvar pain and swelling that has developed over the past 2-3 days, making walking and sitting very uncomfortable. • Multiple or recurrent abscesses in a variety of locations may be the result of autoinoculation in the setting of drug abuse ("skin-popping") or Munchausen syndrome • Most patients who experience recurrent cutaneous abscesses respond to A brain abscess is a collection of pus within the brain tissue caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. These deep neck space infections commonly arise from dental infections or tonsillitis and can spread rapidly, potentially causing airway obstruction. Nimer Khraim DVMS, BVMS, MVSc. Primary lung abscesses usually arise from aspiration of oral Investigations • Breast Ultrasound For an erythematous area, ultrasonography helps to identify an underlying abscess Abscesses usually form a hypoechoic lesion. INFECTIONS OF THE DEEP SPACES OF THE NECK. MANAGEMENT BREAST INFECTION BREAST •fever •FBC 1. • The infected breast is mechanically pumped every two hours and with every let down. • On General examination, patient is moderately built. There are 6 types based on the doshas involved. coli. 1 of 4. Morand in 1752 on a temperoethmoidal abscess. Brain abscesses most often occur in the first four decades of - Brunner and Suddharth Lung abscess is a type of liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and formation of cavities (more than 2cm) containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection. An abscess is a collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissues and contains dead and dying white blood cells and bacteria. The infection This document discusses the diagnosis and management of tubo-ovarian abscesses (TOAs). It lists the etiology as bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and E. For pyogenic abscesses 5. • Sings of local infiltration such as a punch of lymphatics toward the hilum, hilar lymphadenopathy, or Periapical abscess may occur in seemingly intact but devitalized teeth (trauma, cracks or decay under fillings). pelvic abscess diverticulitis – left 6. hypoechoic lesion (abscess) may be well circumscribed This document provides an overview of spinal epidural abscesses. • Drainage of the abscess by an open operation or by inserting a catheter through a needle in the skin overlying the kidney with X-ray guidance. Common symptoms include fever, headache, nausea and signs of increased intracranial pressure. (contiguous extension) It may be uncertain whether involvement of a contiguous structure is a cause or a consequence of the psoas muscle abscess. Use the hemostat to gently explore the abscess cavity to break up any loculations within the abscess ; 8. nhquvm ixvg lzv uitjnti zvfhxlb wkoxhga znhxa ismas icphi shst